Queen strips Prince Andrew of royal duties, cuts off $322,000 Sovereign Grant allowance amid Jeffrey Epstein furore

The Queen has fired the Duke of York, Prince Andrew from his Royal duties post discussing the controversial Jeffrey Epstein scandal with Prince Charles who is currently on tour in New Zealand.
Queen Elizabeth II made the decision to summon Prince Andrew to Buckingham Palace after the fall-out from his explosive and disastrous BBC interview about his friendship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The Queen has also stripped him off his annual £249,000 (approx $322,000) Sovereign Grant allowance given the outrage over his former friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Post an intense discussion with the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, the Queen called Prince Andrew to the palace and ordered him to step down. A royal insider told the Sun, "When the Queen and the Prince of Wales stand firm together they are a pretty formidable combination in terms of getting things done".
As per a statement released on the Duke of York's social media, "It has become clear to me over the last few days that the circumstances relating to my former association with Jeffrey Epstein has become a major disruption to my family's work and the valuable work going on in the many organizations and charities that I am proud to support".
"Therefore, I have asked Her Majesty if I may step back from public duties for the foreseeable future, and she has given her permission," the statement read. He went on to say that he regrets his associations with Jeffrey Epstein and that he sympathizes with all the victims who have been affected and want closure.
He concluded the statement with "Of course, I am willing to help any appropriate law enforcement agency with their investigations if required".
Prince Andrew is eighth in line to the throne and it is highly unlikely that he will ever perform royal duties again. The Prince was told that he could write his own statement in order to bow out gracefully.