Quantico Season 3: The reveal that blew our minds was also an initial surprise for Priyanka Chopra

'Quantico' season three premiered on Thursday - Alex Parrish is back in action and her vacay in Italy is over, Ryan Booth and Shelby, Alex's bff, are married and there's a swanky new team to fight The Widow, an arms dealer gone rogue.
Priyanka Chopra, in a recent interview with EW, revealed that she doesn't really care about it. "Well, it was horrible, you know? When I read it, I was mind-blown. She’s super-chill about it and she’s like, 'It doesn’t matter,' because somewhere, she understands that she wronged him. They ran away together, and he was willing to give up everything for her, but Alex leaves.
"She disappears. She knows that it wasn’t right for her to do it, and now that he’s found her happiness with her best friend, it’s on her to accept that, so she can’t in any world hold it against Shelby or Ryan. They found each other in their grief, which she created. So it’s such a complicated, mature way of dealing with it, that I really loved it. And you’ll see through the season, their dynamics always pop up in a weird way."
She also reveals in what mind space Alex is in right now. "Throughout this whole season, you see her struggling with who she is. Like, as a person, who is she? What does she want? She’s always been so conflicted with the men in her life, so what does that eventually mean? You’ll see her really growing this season and exposing a very vulnerable part of herself," says Priyanka.