QAnon devastated to see Biden on Air Force One as they believed Trump was secretly using it: ‘That was a blow’

President Joe Biden allegedly upset QAnon believers after he used Air Force One over the weekend to fly to Delaware and also to a town hall in Wisconsin on Tuesday.
NBC News reporter Ben Collins told Arab-American journalist Ayman Mohyeldin on Wednesday that the conspiracy theory group is currently in a "holding pattern" as Biden completes his first month as the 46th POTUS.
"You know, they hold on to these little nuggets, they hope in the future there are -- they believe right now there are two presidents and this will all get sorted out on March 4th," Collins said. "But they lose hope along the way. For example, last night when Joe Biden boarded Air Force One, the real one, for the first time, that was a blow. They felt betrayed by this. They thought that Air Force One was still being used by President Trump in secret."
According to the reporter, QAnon will likely have its own explanations, but that Tuesday night was a big blow to the movement. "This is winding its way through text messages, through churches in the United States, who are preaching sort of the gospel of Q without the QAnon branding, and they are saying March 4th is a big day for them and one of them said today they're halfway through this. They are planning for this to be a year's-long thing," Collins continued.
The NBC reporter claimed that the conspiracy group still believes in "the plan" and is a very "disorganized group."
"The worry with QAnon is lone wolf wolves who take this too seriously," Collins added. "We have seen lone wolves for 2 1/2 years now, we've seen real criminal acts, murders. While I don't expect some massive outpouring on March 4th, we have to be on the lookout for desperate QAnon believers in the future."
Last month, MEAWW reported how QAnon followers had declared Trump would become president again on March 4 to continue his war against the "deep state."
Followers of the cult were heartbroken when Biden was sworn-in as President on January 20 -- thereby destroying their strong belief that Trump would remain in office and resume his bid to tussle with a global ring of satanic pedophiles.
Believers were initially upset, but many renewed their confidence in "the plan" once again. The belief reportedly stemmed from the "sovereign citizen" movement that believes a secret law was passed in 1871 that turned the United States into a corporation by erasing the American government of its founding principles.
Followers of QAnon reportedly claimed that President Franklin D. Roosevelt literally "sold U.S. citizens out" in 1933 when he secretly began offering citizens -- instead of gold -- as collateral to dubious foreign investors.
The discourse even featured certain documents regarding the 1871 act, attempting to make a case that Trump will be sworn in on March 4. The specific date reportedly comes from the fact that 1933 was also the year when inaugurations were changed from March 4 to January 20 in order to shorten the lame-duck period of outgoing presidents.
Trump will become the 19th president of the original republic, according to QAnon, leading to the destruction of the so-called corporation they believe the 1871 act created.