Heartbreaking reason why 12-year-old boy left his puppy in a box outside an animal shelter

MICHOACAN, MEXICO: A 12-year-old in Mexico abandoned his beloved pet in a cardboard box outside of a shelter. The puppy was left with his favorite stuffed toy and a heartbreaking note.
In an incident from 2020, the staff at the Xollin Animal Shelter in Mexico, discovered a message written by a small boy called Andres, explaining he had given up his puppy because his father had been "beating" it. The puppy, later called Rene, would be better off with someone else, according to Andres.
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Andres wrote in his letter, “My name is Andrés and I'm 12-years-old. My mom and I decided to leave him to you. All of this is behind my dad's back, because he was thinking of selling him. But he is always beating and kicking the dog. Once he kicked him so hard that his little tail got injured. I hope you can help him and take care of him. Here is a plush toy so he won't forget me.”
Rene was discovered in the box by the rescue centre, which is trying to find a forever home for the furry companion. According to The Mirror, a spokesperson for the rescue centre said, "They left us this one puppy outside of the shelter, inside a box, with a note and a teddy. The note was written by a boy and explained that his dad abused this puppy and was going to sell it. With all that burden of despair they left him to us to be saved. We have had to take him to the doctor for a tail check up as it seems to be fractured, deworm him and start his medical picture. More expenses for us and more work but luckily he is safe."
"They left us this one. puppy outside of the. shelter, inside a box, with a note and a teddy. The note was written by a guy: where he explained that his dad abused this puppy and was going to sell it. We have. have to take him to the doctor for tail checkup as it seems to be fractured, deworm him and start his medical picture," a post from the centre from 2020 read.
Rene is living it up at the shelter with 203 other canines. Rene is "remaining hopeful about the future," according to a rescuer. Rene, who staff members at the rescue center have called "baby pig," is described as "greedy, playful, and loving."
Of Xollin’s mission, a spokesperson explained, "We are an association dedicated to the care and welfare of dogs that have been abandoned or due to extreme abuse. We take care of them and rehabilitate them physically and emotionally so that they can smile again, have confidence in human beings and thus be happier in a new home, through adoption, or in our centre through sponsorship."