'Project Blue Book' Season 1 Episode 3 sees Hynek and Quinn encounter the infamous Lubbock Lights
Aliens and government conspiracies form the central premise of History Channel's Robert Zemeckis-produced show 'Project Blue Book'. The third episode sees the two themes merge and the result is the clash between faith and ideology.
Starring Aidan Gillen as Dr. J Allen Hynek and Michael Malarkey as Captain Michael Quinn, 'Project Blue Book' has been following the notorious involvement of the US Air Force in the alien invasion stories that had consumed America in the decades following World War II.
In the highly tense political climate of an era when America was facing its own enemy, McCarthyism, Hynek and Quinn had set out on a journey to find answers to questions that the world was not yet prepared to ask. The two were seen encountering several witnesses in the first two episodes and most of their stories were dismissed by Quinn to be the result of mere hysteria. However, a strange sighting in the third episode leaves him quite disturbed.