Prison workers find numerous pencils and tweezers inside a female inmates 'birth canal'

In prisons around the world, prison guards thoroughly check the inmates who walk through their doors before they are sent to their respective cell blocks. Sometimes these officers find odd things that the inmates would have carried with them but one female inmate in the USA took home the crown for the weirdest items hidden in a place that you wouldn't immediately expect.
The female inmate's vagina had been converted into a mini-storage area for numerous sharp objects. The items were found when prison guard were conducting a body-search of the female inmate on June 7.
A picture released by the Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's Office shows proof of the strange incident. They also explained the bizarre situation further a little later on in the afternoon.
The caption for the post read: "We search all of our inmates, no matter where they come from. This morning a female inmate came to us from Emmanuel County State Pen."
When the search was being conducted on the woman, an employee who was conducting it found many pencils, seven pairs of tweezers and multiple bobby pins hidden inside the woman's vagina. The status concluded: "Per policy we searched her and pulled this out of her, uhhhh birth canal... you can not make this up."
The post instantly went viral with more than 5,000 reactions, most of them being the "Wow" reaction, more than 3,000 shares and more than 2,000 comments.
Many Facebook users decided to use the comments sections to put up their most creative responses to the news and the image that was shared by the Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's Office.
One user said: "That’s some sharp investigating. She’s going to have to erase that bad habit. We hope you wrote her up. This may be a pointed question, but what lead you to it? And are you penciling her in for another exam?"
Another user wrote: "Was she arrested for stealing from Office Max?" A third user said: "Ohhhhh the questions I have, and there are many! I so badly want to know why the pencils..... just not sure I’m prepared mentally for the real answer!"
In spite of all the fun that most users were having with the viral image, some Facebook users were having none of it and started shaming the police officers for posting the picture at all.
A user commented: "This is not okay. It is completely devoid of humanity and empathy. You are laughing at — and encouraging the public to laugh at — a human being. I'm surprised and disappointed that the Sheriff's Office would post and condone such bullying."
Another said: "This is a bit sad and not what I really want to hear from my local government. No visual aids needed, either. Seems a bit insensitive and unnecessary to share with the people you serve and whom you serve well. Typically these posts are clever. This one was just a bit crude today. And look at some of the remarks that people are posting...some of them are just in poor taste and not appropriate."
Then there were people who came to the rescue of the police force. One of them said: "Amazed at some of the people offended by this. SMH this is real life. This happens all the time. It is facts and truth of what lengths criminals will go to. But no one wants to hear that. Honestly I don't see why people are still doing these things everyone knows by now they search."
Another wrote: "Didn't see where they mentioned the young ladies name so I don't see how it is shaming or bullying. If she had a cell phone or iPad stashed as well and is on Facebook unless she tells someone she's good. Sheriff's Department could be giving a "heads up" that this type of activity isn't new and you will probably be caught. Article doesn't allow if the inmate will have additional charges for this either."
The police department has confirmed that they always perform a body cavity search before any inmate is let into the cell blocks in the county jail.