Diana and the NUDISTS: Beloved princess's bodyguard Ken Wharfe reveals bizarre vacation incident

It has been 25 years since Princess Diana died but the void her death caused is seemingly still gaping. Remembering the princess her bodyguard, Ken Wharfe, revealed his working relationship with her and how she broke the mold and opened the relationship between the Royals and the public.
Wharfe, spoke to the Daily Mail. Talking about his first working day, he remembered that he first met Princess Diana at Kensington Palace in the mid-1980s when he arrived at the palace as a Royal protection officer to the young Princes, William and Harry. He said “William was attempting to play a piano and Harry was being an entertaining pest, standing on a table, picking apart some lilies in a vase. Immediately, Diana said to me: ‘I don’t envy you, Ken, looking after my kids – they can be a bloody nuisance'."
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He said that the candid conversation he shared with Princess Diana gave him a clearcut view of her personality and formally set the tone of their working relationship. In contrast to what he was briefed, this conversation was more friendly. Ken revealed that before he worked with her he took many classes and modules where he was warned that the royal he was going to work with can never be his friend, but Diana was something different.
Further, he talked about how Diana laid the groundwork for changes to the monarchy we see today: The Royal family is much more open than it ever was, and it was Diana who saw that was the way to go, many years earlier: She did things that had never been done before.
Then Ken praised Princess Diana for her wanting to make every member of the royal staff a part of her wider family. Ken remembered how it was difficult for Prince Charles to accept Diana’s thinking, as for him the staff had their place and the royal family their own. "I believe that what we witness with William and Harry now is what their mother laid the foundation for; the fathers they have become. I think William would be the first to acknowledge that interaction with the household staff as a young boy molded him to accept some sort of normality himself," Ken said.
Moving forward, Ken talked about his traveling adventures with Princess Diana and her children William and Harry. He recalled one trip with the Princess when he had left her at a beach: "The phone crackled into life and I could hear Diana laughing.‘What’s up?’ I said. ‘Oh, you didn’t tell me about the nudist beach, Ken!’ she giggled. She’d stumbled across a dozen septuagenarian males in their birthday suits who had no clue who this woman was."