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Here's how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding photos are different from previous royal generations

The duo's candid pictures depicts how the couple is eager to live their lives as normally as possible, an element one will find missing in previous photographs of royal weddings.
UPDATED JAN 31, 2020
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle(Source:Getty Images)
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle(Source:Getty Images)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married on May 19 and everything about the wedding made it seem right out of a fairytale. On May 21 the palace released the official photos of the couple with rest of the family and it is a clear depiction of how much the royals have changed over the years. 

If one takes a look at the photos released by Meghan and Harry, one will notice how calm and composed the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex are. While Prince William and Charles chose to stand for the wedding, Harry chose to have a rather laid back picture taken, one in which he is sitting and his arm protectively holding on to his new bride. Another thing to notice is the casual pose the pageboy and the bridesmaids are giving. 

The photos taken by Alexi Lubomirksi show just how Meghan and Harry want everyone to feel equal and comfortable and the same goes for the kids. Sitting close to them and making sure that they are of the same height, Harry and Meghan managed to provide them with a sense of closeness and their expressions are a proof of just how much the kids loved being around the newlyweds. 

Alexi's career catapulted into the limelight the moment he was chosen as the official photographer for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement photo shoot. "It was one of the easiest, most joyful jobs because they were so deliciously in love," the Brit said of his first-time engagement shoot. 

He also explained said the royal couple made it easy because of how in love they were. He had explained how he told the couple, "Just be yourselves and I will take pictures of you." The proof is there is wonderful engagement pictures the royal couple teased us with earlier.  

At the same time, unlike others, Meghan and Harry decided to release a candid shot of theirs which was taken right after their wedding. The picture depicts how the couple wants the world to be invited into their lives so as to show how normal their families are. We are not sure if Prince William and Charles took an individual picture with Kate Middleton and Prince Diana but even if they did, they chose to keep it to themselves. 

However, this does not come as a surprise that Harry and Meghan chose to share their candid shot because they previously shared a similar one from their engagement photo shoot. Their decision of sharing this with the people shows how much the royal family has evolved in terms keeping things private and inside closed doors.

While sharing the pictures online, the palace noted, "The Duke and Duchess would like to thank everyone who took part in the celebrations of their Wedding. They feel so lucky to have been able to share their day with all those gathered in Windsor and those who watched on television across the UK, Commonwealth, and around the world." Meanwhile, another picture which showed both the families coming together also spoke volumes. 

The picture showed Meghan, who is an American, standing next to her mother, Doria Ragland, the only person from her side of the family and how the two seemed to fit perfectly into the picture along with other royal family members. One could see how the two families were connected. While a lot has changed ever since Prince Charles married Princess Diana and even since Prince William and Kate got married. Nonetheless, this change fits right into the picture.