Prince Azim dies: What was the net worth of Sultan of Brunei's son? The 38-yr-old enriched inheritance by producing movies

The passing of Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim at the age of 38 came after a long illness, it was announced on October 24. Following the news of the Prince's unfortunate passing, we take a look at how much the prince's net value was worth. It is estimated that the prince was worth approximately $5 billion, which includes his worth as a member of a royal family as well as the income he's made as a producer with London-based film company Daryl Prince Productions, which was behind films such as 'The Happy Prince,' 'You're Not You' and 'The Time Of Their Lives'. Daryl Prince Productions Ltd was incorporated on 18 September 2012 and has continued to operate since, making British comedy movies for the past eight years.
The prince maintained close ties with Hollywood, despite unease among celebrities by his father's pro-sharia stances. The prince was nonetheless well known for mingling with the Hollywood crowd. The second-born prince to Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei was fourth in line to the throne, as well as one of the most media-friendly members of the royal family, known for throwing parties filled with celebrity guests. He threw 2009's 'Party of the Year', featuring such guests as Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Sophia Loren - the bill for flowers alone came to about 70,000 pounds with his order of 6,000 white roses. The party was held at Stapleford Park country house hotel in Leicestershire, which is owned by Prince Azim's mother, Mariam Aziz, the former wife of the billionaire Sultan of Brunei. His 30th birthday bash in 2012 was another diva-fest that made a number of headlines at the time, taking place in The Dorchester Hotel, in London, and featuring such guests as Raquel Welch, Marisa Tomei, and Pamela Anderson.
According to Celebrity Net Worth, he was also an avid charity activist. He was the guest of honor at two major charity events - the "Seeing is Believing" fundraiser and at the Sounds of Hope charity concert, both of which were held in Brunei. He was also one of the wealthier patrons of the Make a Wish Foundation. In addition to his patronage of the Make a Wish Foundation, he also designed unisex weekend bags for MCM, the proceeds of which were donated to the organization. He was also an advocate for those who are autistic, publicly stressing that anyone with autism ought to be treated with the same respect as any other member of the family.
One amongst 12 siblings of the royal family, the Prince had access to some of the highest standards of education in the world. He studied in England, at Leighton Park School in Berkshire and the Oxford Brookes University in Oxford. He was also enrolled in the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, England, which has been home to many members of royal families around the world. He became the only royal family member in the world to quit the academy after just one week.