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Perez Hilton alleged Sultan of Brunei's son Abdul Azim is gay in bombshell video claim

Bombshell claims made by Perez Hilton in light of the country's new laws punishing homosexuality with death suggest that Prince Abdul Azim is gay.
Perez Hilton (Source : Getty Images)
Perez Hilton (Source : Getty Images)

The new Islamic criminal laws that came into effect in Brunei on Wednesday, April 3, meant those found guilty of male and female homosexuality or adultery could now be stoned to death.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah had initially announced the imposition of the penal code from Sharia Law on the country's Muslims in 2013, with the recent move being phase 3 of its implementation.

The new laws also apply to children and foreigners, even if they are not Muslim, and mean those found guilty of having gay sex can be stoned to death or whipped. While the announcement was greeted with criticism from the international community, dissent has been brewing within the country as well.

Azim might find himself back in the spotlight (Source: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)

"Living in Brunei, we already knew that our sexual identity is taboo and should not be expressed. We already felt belittled before the law came to place," a 23-year-old member of the LGBTQ community who did not want to be identified for obvious reasons told AP. "Now with it, we feel even smaller and the ones who could potentially oppress us have more opportunity to harass us to say and do what they want."

But the new laws could very well mean that the Sultan will have to dole out the fatal punishment to his near-and-dear ones too. While tales of the hedonistic lifestyles led by him and his brother, Jefri Bolkiah, are widespread — if witness accounts are to be believed, both are adulterers as well — it's his son, Prince Abdul Azim, who is already the most well-known of the princes and a paparazzi favorite, who might find himself in the uncomfortable spotlight soon. 

According to Newsweek, Azim, 36, who is fourth in line to the throne of Brunei, regularly hangs out with prominent members of the queer community. In fact, during his birthday party in August 2016, openly-gay skier Gus Kenworthy was in attendance with his boyfriend Matthew Wilkas. Also present at the bash was Caitlyn Jenner, who is arguably the most famous transgender person in the world. The trio even uploaded a picture of them hanging out together at the party on social media, only to quickly delete it after other members of the LGBTQ community lashed out at them for going to the country.

Perez Hilton claims that Azim is gay (Source: Getty Images)

Furthermore, Azim has also been seen around with Mariah Carey. They were snapped together on the Noble Gift Gala's red carpet in December 2011 and the latter was present for the prince's 30th birthday party in 2012, where she once again posed for a picture with him.

Carey is a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ community and even thanked them for their "unconditional love" during her acceptance speech for the Ally Award at 2016's GLAAD Media Awards.

While association with LGBTQ people in itself is not a crime, Perez Hilton has come out to claim that the Prince doesn't just hang around with queer people, and that he is gay himself. Hilton made the claim in a bombshell video he posted recently criticizing Brunei's recent changes in the law.

"Y'all know I don't out people anymore," he said. "I used to do that back in the day but I'm making an exception here. I'm guessing the Sultan of Brunei doesn't know that his son, Prince Azim, is a big old homo. I would know because I have spent time with Prince Azim."

"It's so hypocritical this guy's son is a big flamer, and now he's enacted a law to stone to death gay men," he added. 

MEAWW has reached out to Perez Hilton for his comments.