First Presidential Debate 2020 'Trump vs Biden': Dana Bash calls debate 's**t show' live on CNN, Internet agrees

CNN Anchor Dana Bash described the first presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden as a "s**t show" shortly after the debate concluded.
She made the comment while discussing the debate with CNN host Jake Tapper on the network. Tapper said that "the American people lost tonight because that was horrific." Bash said, "You just took the words out of my mouth. You used some high-minded language. I’m just gonna say it like it is. That was a s**t show." She continued, "And, you know, we’re on cable. We can say that. Apologies for being maybe a little bit crude, but that is really the phrase that I’m getting, you know, from people on both sides of the aisle on texts. And it’s the only phrase that I can think of to really describe it."
As soon as her comments were aired, social media users took to Twitter to express their opinions. One user wrote, "DANA BASH JUST CALLED THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE A S**TSHOW LIVE ON CNN IS THIS REAL LIFE." While another shared a clip where she said that, and wrote, "And then there’s Dana Bash tonight."
— Aisha Tyler (@aishatyler) September 30, 2020
And then there’s Dana Bash tonight
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) September 30, 2020
Another tweeted, "Dana Bash said that debate was a s**t show and I think the whole country would agree." One user wrote, "Dana Bash, it was a s**t show because this wacko president couldn’t keep his composure. To CNN as a whole I am mother of two kids born in the 80s I wouldn’t allow my kids to watch MTV. I made it a point to have it completely blocked much less allow them to see a s**t show."
Dana Bash said that debate was a shit show and I think the whole country would agree.
— Shamar English (@english_shamar) September 30, 2020
Dana Bash, it was a shit show because this wacko president couldn’t keep his composure. To CNN as a whole I am mother of two kids born in the 80s I wouldn’t allow my kids to watch MTV. I made it a point to have it completely blocked much less allow them to see a shit show.
— Diana V Molina (@DianaVi05226734) September 30, 2020
One user blamed Trump for making it a "s**t show" and wrote, "Dana Bash on CNN 'that was a s**t show' Yes, Trump makes EVERYTHING he touches a 's**t show', and some deranged people want 4 more years of this mad man yelling incessantly? Chris Wallace can't moderate a middle school debate." And some supported her and said, "'That was a s***show,' says Dana Bash, correctly, of this absolutely disastrous debate. And the s**t was being stirred - constantly - by Trump. It was his s**tshow."
Dana Bash on CNN "that was a shit show"
— J.Gurbas #VoteBidenHarris #RIPRBG #ImpeachTrump (@JGurbas) September 30, 2020
Yes, Trump makes EVERYTHING he touches a "shit show", and some deranged people want 4 more years of this mad man yelling incessantly?
Chris Wallace can't moderate a middle school debate.
“That was a shitshow,” says Dana Bash, correctly, of this absolutely disastrous debate.
— Tim O'Brien (@TimOBrien) September 30, 2020
And the shit was being stirred - constantly - by Trump. It was his shitshow.