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Donald Trump exclaims 'I hate this f***ing hole' after hitting golf ball into nearby lake over Thanksgiving

Trump was not in the mood to lose, let alone to a golf ball, as he swore loudly and blamed the hole on the course for his failure to hit the target
President Donald Trump (Getty Images)
President Donald Trump (Getty Images)

President Donald Trump remained in a foul mood while playing golf over the Thanksgiving holiday at his Virginia resort on Thursday, November 26, after spending the holiday weekend in Washington DC. In footage obtained by TMZ, the POTUS can be heard exclaiming, "I hate this f***ing hole!" as he sent the ball flying into a lake. 

It seemed like Trump was not in the mood to lose anymore, let alone to a golf ball as he swore loudly and blamed the hole on the course for his failure to hit the target. In a rare instance, he swore, saying "ah, sh**!" as the golf ball disappeared into a nearby lake, and added that he wasn't a fan of "this f***ing hole."


The president donned a bright red Make America Great Again hat with the number 45 embellished on the side. Trump was also wearing a red sweater with what appears to be the presidential seal on it as he took some air swings before actually hitting the ball. For the first three Thanksgivings of his presidency, Trump and first lady Melania had traveled to their Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, but this year, they opted to stay at the White House after his election loss.

A spokesperson for the Trumps said: "The First Family will be celebrating the day with immediate family for dinner at the White House." However, there is no way to know if the first couple hosted the private gathering as there were no photos of the family affair posted on any of the social media pages maintained by the various members of the first family. Trump was also scheduled to have a teleconference with members of the military during the evening on Thanksgiving.

While Melania posted a more festive message on the occasion - "On #Thanksgiving, we are reminded of the love of family & friends as we reflect upon the many blessings we have received. We are thankful for our service members, first responders & law enforcement for all they do to defend & serve this great Nation. #HappyThanksgiving." - her husband continued to cry foul and touting baseless conspiracy theories of widespread voter fraud on the day. 

"Just saw the vote tabulations. There is NO WAY Biden got 80,000,000 votes!!! This was a 100% RIGGED ELECTION," he wrote in one tweet, while in another he wished the nation "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" only to cite a tweet about Wednesday's Supreme Court ruling about religious gatherings during Covid, which said, "Just before midnight on the night before Thanksgiving, the Supreme Court blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo from enforcing attendance limits at religious services. The vote is 5-4, with Roberts and the three liberals dissenting."




He also told journalists during a Thanksgiving press briefing that he will leave the White House only after President-elect Joe Biden is confirmed as the 46th POTUS by the electoral college. "It's going to be a very hard thing to concede because we know there was massive fraud," Trump said. "[But] certainly I will. And you know that."

Trump, however, refused to say whether he will be attending Biden's inauguration ceremony in January, something that was traditional for outgoing presidents. "I don't want to say that yet I mean I know the answer, I'll be honest, I know the answer, but I just don't want to say it yet," he said. "This election was a fraud, just so you understand this election was a fraud."