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Ex-Playboy model who drank vodka 24 hours a day for a month reveals horror of watching acid in urine eat away her skin

Jessica Landon, now 37, has been sober since January 2014 and shares her story in the hope of inspiring others who are addicted
UPDATED JUL 23, 2019

A Playboy model drank vodka for 24 hours a day every day until the acid in her urine began to slowly eat away at her skin. For model Jessica Landon, now a recovery coach, the organs began failing after lying in the same spot and downing vodka for over a month. 

She had become addicted to alcohol during her early 20s and by the age of 26, she was a "twenty-four hour a day vodka drinker". She was living in her friend's attic when she one day fell over the rail, landed on her head, and suffered a baseball-sized brain hemorrhage. A couple of months later, she had a relapse and her organs started to fail. She spent a month lying in her own dirt and filth while the acid in her urine started to eat away at her skin, as reported by Mirror

Jessica Landon nearly drank herself to death by the age of 26 (Facebook)

When Jessica was five years old, she was molested by a babysitter which left her scarred and resulted in her addiction. She is currently 37 years old and has been sober since January 3, 2014. She is hoping to share her story to inspire and help others who are battling addiction. "I was an 'in the closet' drinker (sometimes literally) from the very start, rarely drinking in public or at parties but rather surreptitiously. Liquor was the magic medication I had been searching for, the only thing that could relieve me from my anxiety/panic and shame I felt on the inside," she shared. 

Jessica had moved from Rancho Cucamonga, California to LA at the age of 19 to pursue her modeling dream. Ever since, she has modeled for Playboy and Perfect 10 and has also acted on Nickelodeon, NBC, and Comedy Central shows. She added that she always had an emptiness that she was trying to fill and it led to her downward spiral. She hung out and partied at the infamous Playboy mansion with Hugh Hefner, but soon she began drinking heavily, the Daily Mail reported. 

"When I was really young I was molested by a babysitter which led to a lot of guilt and shame. I, (as a lot of children do) felt that I did something to cause it and that it was somehow my fault which I think contributed to my addiction/punitive self-destruction," Jessica revealed. 

Recalling her addiction days, she spoke about how she would keep vodka in a water bottle near her bed in case she hit withdrawals. She also shared that she was vomiting blood and her life was a living hell. "I was incapable of getting up to use the restroom because I was too weak and atrophied, so I laid there urinating and defecating on myself for over a month in one spot. The acid from my urine was eating away my skin on my hips and tailbone which ultimately caused a blood staph infection. I knew I was dying rapidly and became desperate. I called an ex and begged for help. By the grace of God, he showed up the next morning with an ambulance."

Jessica is now helping others who are struggling with addiction. "Alcohol is ubiquitous and yet it kills more people annually than all other drugs combined. To me, it is a true socio-cultural malignancy. The way it is advertised and glorified everywhere should be banned or at least limited," she said.