'Dr Pimple Popper': Will Dr Lee be able to relieve Juan of grain-like freckles and cyst near his eye?

On the January 10 episode of ‘Dr Pimple Popper’ we met 25-year-old Juan from Tustin, CA. Juan started having grain-like freckles all around his nose and face ever since he was 10. With age, they just started getting bigger and worse and quite recently he grew a lump on his face right at the corner of his eye. His condition is called ‘Tuberous Sclerosis’ and it completely put an end to his social life. He wanted to go to film school and start his life but his appearance has always stopped him.

His sister Indira assured him that his skin condition shouldn’t stop him since he was smart enough to do whatever he wanted to do. He approached Dr Sandra Lee for treatment and she accepted his case. The doctor started with the lump beside his eye which was a cyst and then moved on to work on the rest of his face. She used an electrosurgery tool that caused a burning smell, Dr Lee described the smell akin to that of burning hair. There was a lot of bleeding but eventually, the procedure was over and Juan was able to see his nose again which was hidden under all the granular lumps before.
Fans who are obsessed with watching Dr Lee on 'Dr Pimple Popper' online and might want to see her personally can get an appointment with her at Skin Physicians and Surgeons. Everything starts with a consultation, which has a $120 fee that goes toward your future treatment. There are all types of procedures and treatments offered, but something that is most interesting to her fans is extractions.
Now that Dr Lee has her own show she is getting more fans in her office. She also revealed some famous ones.
“Some will come out and say it,” Dr Lee told Refinery 29 “like Gillian Jacobs from Love, who went on Jimmy Kimmel and talked about it. Ashley Graham follows me and likes my posts.” She also said, “Even Ayesha Curry called when she had a mini pimple emergency, so I drove down to give her a cortisol injection on set.” The dermatologist revealed an Oscar winner has written to her and bought her merchandise.
Catch new episodes of 'Dr Pimple Popper’ on Mondays at 9 pm ET/PT.