Petition to name Dr Anthony Fauci 'sexiest man alive' gathers momentum

An online petition is gaining momentum to name Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as the "sexiest man alive".
The petition has been started by a woman named Sandra Martin from Greenwood, Indiana, who wants Fauci’s name on People Magazine as the "sexiest man alive", a title that has previously been awarded to celebrities like Idris Elba, David Beckham, and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
With over 3,000 signatures and counting, People’s Editor-in-Chief Dan Wakeford has taken note of the petition. “April Fool’s prank or not, Dr Anthony Fauci is indeed the latest unexpected ‘star’ to emerge from the COVID-19 task force daily press briefings. He has helped bring back ‘must-see TV’ to the masses, who are hungry for wisdom about how to best care for their family’s health and safety in this time of uncertainty. Smart is sexy, no doubt,” Wakeford told Women’s Wear Daily.

However, it is not clear whether Dr Fauci will be given the honor or not by People Magazine.
This comes when the whole world is fighting the deadly coronavirus outbreak. The coronavirus pandemic has affected 1,017, 693 people worldwide and killed over 50,000 as of April 3.
In the time of crisis, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has become an unlikely celebrity and hero because of his public demeanor and daily no-nonsense briefings regarding the coronavirus pandemic. He frequently appears alongside President Donald Trump during the daily White House press briefing on the government's response to the outbreak.
“Dr Anthony Fauci is America’s top expert on infectious diseases. His tireless work to educate and support Americans has affected all of us. His comforting and intelligent demeanor has helped to lessen our national anxiety. He speaks truth to power, a strength few have at this time. His kind face and manner of speaking bring calm during the storm,” the petition on states.
“For sapiophiles and many others, he is the definitive Sexiest Man Alive in 2020," the petition adds.
This is not the first time the 79-year-old has been hailed for his great work during the public health crisis. Dr Fauci has already been immortalized in the form of a bobblehead toy and delicious pastries by a New York-based bakery that put the physician’s face on doughnuts last week and they have been selling like hotcakes, both in the store and online.
Besides, a new fashion label named Social Distancing Hat is also honoring the doctor's fame by launching a hat with his name on it, written in a way to resemble the Gucci logo. The description of the product reads, “Fauci, but make it fashion”, which sells for $32 with all proceeds going to 'Meals on Wheels' - a program that delivers meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their meals.
However, it is not like Dr Fauci is only getting love. The top health expert is reportedly receiving death threats too.
“The concerns include threats as well as unwelcome communications from fervent admirers, according to people with knowledge of deliberations inside the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice. The exact nature of the threats against him is not clear. Greater exposure has led to more praise for the doctor but also more criticism,” a report in the Washington Post stated.