Pete Davidson reveals he used to get so turned on by Leonardo Di Caprio, he often took matters into his own hands

Pete Davidson is not one to shy away from expressing how he feels and the comedian stayed true to form during a tell-all interview with PAPER magazine for their #BreaktheInternet issue.
The 26-year-old admitted quite openly that he used to masturbate to 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' star Leonardo DiCaprio and that, growing up, he even had a poster of the actor plastered on his wall.
The revelation came as the interviewer was telling him about the time he had been talking to a musician friend who said teenage girls used to message her about masturbating to her music. "Yeah! Well, I used to jerk off to Leonardo DiCaprio...," Davidson said, before quickly adding, "Uhh, like his acting."
"I used to have a HUGE crush on Leonardo DiCaprio," he continued. "I had this huge poster of him from 'The Beach' in my room, and there used to be, like, 'Leo love books'... Do you remember? Like, right when 'Titanic' came out [when I was] in like third or fourth grade, he was just like, 'teen milk.' There were love books and I had all of them. He was the coolest."
Davidson said he had even met DiCaprio twice, but that on each occasion, he just shook the actor's hands and ran away fast because it was all too much process for him to meet his hero.
He also talked about how he found it "very weird" that he has been sexualized intensely himself and how people's opinions of him only ranged in the extremes. "There's no happy medium with me, which I think is really fun," he said. "It's either like, 'Oh, that guy's awesome,' or it's like, 'I hope that guy fucking falls off of a cliff.'"
He admitted, however, that sometimes the harsh opinions got to him, and it was one of the reasons why he had chosen to get off social media. "It's sad and it sucks," he confessed. " enough people call you ugly, it definitely gets to you. For me, personally, I can't block that stuff out. That's why I had to get rid of the Internet and stuff."
"But you definitely have to get to a place where you're just like, 'This is how I look. Alright.' You know?"