Pet monkey Milly finds love at new home after being flushed down toilet and given cocaine by old owner

NEWPORT, WALES: A pet monkey, who was rescued after suffering abuse at the hands of her old owner, is now loving her new home. It has been said that Milly has also found love at Monkey World in Dorset after being saved by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).
As per reports, police first got to know about the monkey’s tortured life by her owner Vicki Holland. Cops were raiding the 39-year-old woman’s home for drugs when they found the abuse videos on her phone before informing the RSPCA. One video reportedly showed the woman asking Milly, “Want some coke...lick my fingers?” as cocaine can be seen in her hand.
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The clips discovered on the phone also showed Holland giving kebabs, sausages, and burgers to her, and ordering a dog to scare off the poor animal. There was footage in the mother-of-four’s phone showing the marmoset inside the toilet as she said, “I need the toilet” and “shall I flush it?” She then went on to flush the toilet while referring to her pet as “a “f**king twat”.
Eventually, Holland pled guilty to three Animal Welfare Act offenses in December 2021 and was given a 12-week prison time. She was also asked to pay $497 in costs and a $151 victim surcharge as well as was banned from petting animals for life.
Vicki Holland, 38, Newport, Wales recorded herself abusing the tiny marmoset. #sickbitch #vickiholland and she has children!! #Newport
— Sir Phillip s Burge FFS 😈 (@PhillipsBurge) December 12, 2021
Following the court’s verdict, RSPCA inspector and exotics officer Sophie Daniels said, “I was immediately and gravely concerned about the welfare of this marmoset when I saw these disturbing videos. Videos from the defendant’s phone showed Holland offering the marmoset cocaine, while another showed the clearly terrified marmoset down a toilet bowl.”
She noted, “Holland was shouting, swearing, laughing, and at one point in the clip, the toilet is flushed, showing the petrified animal struggling to cling on to the side of the bowl. An independent vet soon confirmed that the marmoset was suffering unnecessarily as a result of the way she had been treated.”
Meanwhile, reports said that after facing issues initially in her new home, Milly has now become comfortable. She has also got a boyfriend in a marmoset mate named Moon. Daniels said, “This was a very disturbing case but I am pleased to see Milly is doing well in a fantastic environment with her boyfriend Moon by her side.”
Now, it has also been said that Monkey World is including Milly’s story in its’ Cancel Out Cruelty campaign. It said, “Milly was struggling to settle at first and staff at the center were worried about the effects the abuse had on her as she was terrified of people. She would hide at the back of the enclosure and make an alarm call whenever anyone walked past."
“They slowly had to build up her confidence and provided her with a fellow marmoset mate called Moon who was rescued from the pet trade. Moon was quick to respond to Milly’s alarm calls and would stand by her side to reassure her— which has helped her learn to trust again. Now the pair are inseparable and love spending time in their large enclosure hunting insects and enjoying each other's company,” the charity added.