Perverted woman groomed autistic boy online by sharing explicit pictures and messages with him

A perverted woman groomed a 15-year-old autistic boy online and used to send him topless photos of her as well as multiple sexually explicit messages. Forty three-year-old Karen Robb used to discuss meeting up with the teen in a park so that they could "do naughty things".
The deranged woman also sent the boy many images of herself while she was naked from the waist up and had encouraged him to perform sexual acts with her after she formed a friendship with him on social media. She continued to groom the child for many weeks until she met up with him. Robb was found out after her partner of 15 years got suspicious and found the lewd messages on her phone.
Mirror Online reported that the child's parents also found out later that the woman and their son had met up and exchanged pictures with each other. Robb has since admitted that she urged the boy to commit sexual activities and has also admitted to meeting up with him after she spent some time grooming him.
Karen Robb, 43, mother, who groomed boy, 15, over Facebook by showing him her breasts, is jailed for 16 months as judge says female sex offenders should be treated as seriously as males
— Mike Buchanan (@MikeBuchanan11) September 6, 2018