'Perry Mason' Episode 3 Promo: Paul Drake is hiding something and Mason forces him to confess

'Perry Mason' in Episode 2 ended with Mason telling his acquaintance E.B. that cheating on a husband is not the same as murdering someone. In the same vein, despite having closed the case for E.B's client (Matthew Dodson) who Mason was working for, Mason continues to dig into the case. The cops of LA were deadset to prove that it was the baby's father Matthew who had orchestrated the kidnapping. The cops also learned that Matthew is not just a grocer, but also the illegitimate son of Herman Baggerly, which gave him the motive to manipulate money off of his father.
However, Mason had found proof of Emily's affair with one of the orchestrators of the kidnapping and E.B. who learns of this ends up releasing the information to the cops. This results in Emily being arrested on the day of her son's funeral. Now, in the promo of the upcoming episode, we see Mason confront policeman Paul Drake about knowing something, but not revealing the truth. He also pointed out to him that his report about the death of the kidnappers doesn't seem complete.
He says to Paul that there is something that he saw, which he hasn't revealed. This is true. Paul had seen traces of blood that led to the emergency exit and after that, he had also chanced upon half a set of fake teeth. Yet, because his lead detective doesn't want the truth revealed, none of this is added in the report. This is what Mason wants to reveal. With Emily's connection to the kidnapper revealed, charges against Matthew are possibly going to be dropped. This pushes Mason further because it is the evidence that he dug out that led to Emily's arrest.
Then, there is also the fact that Sister Alice supported Emily in front of all the members of the church and with Emily's arrest, the reputation of the church might dip. This is something that Alice's mother is unable to accept and in the promo, she stresses on the many ways in which Emily betrayed the charge. Soon enough, we also see Emily charged with conspiracy and murder. With all of this taking place, it is still unclear why baby Charlie was killed. Was it an honest mistake committed by the kidnappers or is there more to the story?
Currently, fans are guessing that the church might be the actual perpetrators of this crime. If this is the case, it might turn out to be Alice who has committed the crime because in the previous episode, right before speaking at the funeral, we see Alice sitting with her eyes closed, but a strange noise similar to a baby crying is heard in the background.
New episodes of 'Perry Mason' airs on Sundays at 9 pm EST on HBO.