Franklin Graham calls Trump 'one of the great presidents', Internet labels him a 'heretic'

Pastor Franklin Graham has thanked God for President Donald J. Trump's four years in the White House, declaring that he will "go down in history as one of the great presidents" in American history. The evangelical leader shared a lengthy statement on Facebook Monday, saying he wasn't disappointed about the election but was instead "grateful to God" for the past four years.
Graham has backed Trump since 2016 and noted how the president had "protected our religious liberties," "stood up for the lives of the unborn" and "nominated conservative judges to the Supreme Court," Newsweek reported.
The pastor's statement came shortly after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' election victory was formalized by the Electoral College vote. Trump is yet to concede to Biden and his campaign continues its legal pursuit amid claims of voter fraud. Dozens of lawsuits have been launched over the past few weeks in key battleground states.
Graham was seen as a key voice to guarantee the president's support among White evangelicals for the 2020 election, especially since he is one of the nation's most prominent evangelical Christian leaders.
"People have asked if I am disappointed about the election. When I think about my answer, I have to say honestly, that I am grateful—grateful to God that for the last four years," he wrote on Facebook after the Electoral College vote on Monday. "He gave us a president who protected our religious liberties; grateful for a president who defended the lives of the unborn, standing publicly against abortion and the bloody smear it has made on our nation; grateful for a president who nominated conservative judges to the Supreme Court and to our federal courts; grateful for a president who built the strongest economy in 70 years with the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before the pandemic; grateful for a president who strengthened and supported our military; grateful for a president who stood against "the swamp" and the corruption in Washington; grateful for a president who supported law and order and defended our police."
The evangelical juggernaut also noted how Trump and Vice President Mike Pence had "recognized the importance of prayer" and weren't ashamed of the name Jesus Christ. "I'm thankful that the president stood against the secularists who wanted to take Christ out of Christmas and that he brought back the greeting 'Merry Christmas!' So as we come to the end of this election season, I look back with a grateful heart and thank God for all of these things," Graham continued.
The President has repeatedly attacked the phrase "Happy Holidays" due to its politically-correct origins. He argued US citizens were being barred from using the more traditional greeting, "Merry Christmas," and insisted that he "led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase."
"It is unfortunate that many people got confused and made the election about personalities rather than the policies of the candidates," Graham wrote in conclusion. "President Trump will go down in history as one of the great presidents of our nation, bringing peace and prosperity to millions here in the U.S. and around the world. May God bless him, Melania, and their family, as God leads him to the next chapter in his life."
Anti-Trumpers online, however, lashed out at the pastor for his praise of the President.
"Ya, Franklin Graham, here is your guy: 3 Wives No Dog 1 Impeachment Countless Affairs & Abortions $1Billion in Debt 6 Bankruptcies 3,500 Lawsuits 26 assaults on women 6 Deferments 32,576 lies 315k needless deaths 358 Rounds of Golf 38 Handicap ...and no friends. Praise God," NAA CEO Jonathan Gaffney tweeted.
"@Franklin_Graham is a heretic. He considered Barack Obama, a man with one wife and no moral scandals, the antichrist, but a vile, corrupt, philandering, lying, raping, unrepentant, bigot like you, ‘God’s anointed.’ White supremacy is his religion," anti-Trump Bishop Talbert Swan added.
Ya, Franklin Graham, here is your guy:
— Jonathan Gaffney 🇺🇸 (@JGaffneyUSN) December 16, 2020
3 Wives
No Dog
1 Impeachment
Countless Affairs & Abortions
$1Billion in Debt
6 Bankruptcies
3,500 Lawsuits
26 assaults on women
6 Deferments
32,576 lies
315k needless deaths
358 Rounds of Golf
38 Handicap
...and no friends.
Praise God.
.@Franklin_Graham is a heretic.
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) December 16, 2020
He considered Barack Obama, a man with one wife and no moral scandals, the antichrist, but a vile, corrupt, philandering, lying, raping, unrepentant, bigot like you, ‘God’s anointed.’
White supremacy is his religion.