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'Past Lies' Season 1 Ending Explained: Teresa's startling revelation wreaks havoc in Rita's life

'Past Lies' follows the reunion of a group of friends after twenty years, who are confronted by deeply held secrets from their past
UPDATED MAY 12, 2024
Teresa's shocking confession causes chaos in Rita's world in 'Past Lies' Episode 6 (@hulu)
Teresa's shocking confession causes chaos in Rita's world in 'Past Lies' Episode 6 (@hulu)

Contains spoilers for 'Past Lies' Season 1 Episode 6

MALLORCA, SPAIN: Hulu's latest drama series, 'Past Lies', revolves around a group of women who reunite after 20 years, only to find that their past continues to haunt them.

In the last few episodes, the narrative intensifies as the characters delve into the mystery of Mati's (Laura Wedel) murder two decades ago. As the past resurfaces, long-buried secrets and hidden truths come to light, leading to shocking revelations and unexpected twists.

'Past Lies' Episode 6 finally sheds light on the killer of Mati, bringing closure to a mystery that has haunted the characters over the years.

There's a lot to uncover in 'Past Lies' Episode 6. So, let's jump in!

Rita's mission to uncover the truth behind Lena's murder leads to startling discoveries

Elena Anaya as Rita in a still from 'Past lies' Episode 6 (@hulu)
Elena Anaya as Rita in a still from 'Past lies' Episode 6 (@hulu)

In 'Past Lies' Episode 6, viewers are drawn into Rita's (Elena Anaya) intense quest to unravel the mystery surrounding Lena's (Lorena López) mysterious death. 

As Rita delves deeper into her investigation into Lena's death, she uncovers a startling connection to the long-unsolved murder of Mati. The pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place, revealing a complex web of deceit, betrayal, and hidden motives that span two decades.

Rita's investigation takes a dramatic turn when she discovers an old video. However, someone strikes Rita from behind, hitting her on the head.

In the next scene, Teresa offers Rita help in waking up. Rita, desperate for answers and closure, confronts Teresa, demanding the truth. As Teresa begins to confess, everything falls into place.

Teresa reveals to Rita that twenty years ago, she was pregnant with her teacher's child. Mati, Rita's friend, knew this startling truth and started blackmailing Teresa.

When Teresa came to confront Mati about the blackmail, a tragic accident occurred, leading to Mati falling from the balcony.

Twenty years later, when all the friends reunite, Lena learns the truth about the accident. She urges Teresa to come forward to the police and reveal everything, as it was an accidental occurrence and Teresa did not push her intentionally. However, Teresa puts a tablet in Lena's drink, which eventually leads to her death. 

Rita, devastated by the loss of her friend and the betrayal by another, must now confront the harsh reality of what her friends are capable of.

Has Teresa confessed to the police about her role in Mati and Lena's death?

Belén Cuesta as Teresa in a still from 'Past Lies' (@hulu)
Belén Cuesta as Teresa in a still from 'Past Lies' (@hulu)

As the episode progresses further, Teresa takes Rita to a roof with a gun, potentially with the intent to kill her. The scene is charged with emotion, highlighting the complex dynamics of trust, betrayal, and revenge that have unfolded throughout the series.

Teresa confesses to Rita the harrowing truth about the circumstances that led her to kill Lena and dispose of Mati's body.

When Rita attempts to reveal the truth to their other friends, Teresa, overcome with fear of exposure, points the gun at Rita. However, Teresa finds herself unable to pull the trigger, and she throws the gun into the water, symbolizing her decision to let go of her violent intentions and face the consequences of her actions.

In the next scene, viewers witness Teresa's arrival at the detective's place, but the outcome of her visit is left unresolved, leaving the viewers to speculate about the consequences of her actions.

In the last scene, Rita is seen spending time with her friends, but Teresa is notably absent, suggesting a lingering tension or unresolved issues between them.

Viewers are left in suspense as it remains unclear whether Teresa confessed to the crime or if Rita divulged Teresa's secret to their friends.

All the episodes of 'Past Lies' Season 1 are now streaming on Hulu.