‘P-Valley’ Episode 7: Low down on explosive plot points so far as Uncle Clifford, girls square up to save Pynk

Episode 7 of 'P-Valley' titled 'Last call for Alcohol' promises to bring some key character into head-on clashes. Their animosity has been building slowly over the last six episodes and as the Pynk struggles to survive, here are the key relationships to keep in mind as we wait for the penultimate episode of this season.
Uncle Clifford and Lil' Murda

Who would have thought that when Lil' Murda swaggered into the Pynk in Episode 1 with his entourage, flashing his gold grill that he would be the man to rock Uncle Clifford's world? But now that their love story is spilling into the world outside, there will be consequences. The most benign of them all is Keyshawn aka Miss Mississippi, whose "don't know what you're talking about" response to Lil' Murda tells us all we need to know about how she is going to handle the relationship. Lil' Murda's introduction to Uncle Clifford's lone family member, his grandmother, Miss Ernestine has also gone well. But things on Lil' Murda's side has the potential to ruin the relationship. His entourage, especially his manager, is getting restless as he sees Lil' Murda striking up new friendships and associations. The side-eye he gives Lil' Murda after Keyshawn pretends to be shacking up with him, is telling. Lil' Murda knows that even a hint of a same-sex relationship can derail his career and his 'image' as a rapper. So he is playing along with Keyshawn's lie. He is also not a hundred percent out of the closet even though he keeps telling Uncle Clifford that he wants to make their relationship more public. Will Episode 7 see a more public announcement of their status?
Keyshawn Vs Derrick Vs Diamond

Even the girls at the Pynk are aghast at Keyshawn's hustle with Lil' Murda because they know it poses danger. Even though Keyshawn says "Black girls don't bruise," she is being hurt more frequently at home as her popularity grows. But that isn't slowing her roll, much to Uncle Clifford's joy. But how long before Derrick escalates his violence from the occasional jealous beat down to something more life-threatening? Diamond will be back for Episode 7 and getting more intimate with Keyshawn. So the season is building up to a confrontation between Diamond and Derrick, with Keyshawn being pulled between them even as she tries to become Mercedes' replacement. We don't see her taking Autumn's advice and using a gun on Derrick though because that is simply not in character.
The Pynk Vs Chuccalisa

While it has been in the background plot for most of the season, it is also the most important thread this season. In the Southern town of Chuccalisa, Pynk represents the only way for young Black women with not many professional options to rake in good money and keep the home fires burning. While money seems to go just as quickly as they earn it, girls who plan ahead can "graduate" from the Pynk. Mercedes is the latest example, but before her, there was Eloise, the mayor's secretary. But in every other way, Pynk is a thorn in mainstream Chuccalisa's consciousness. This can be seen in the way the bank employees treat Uncle Clifford and her girls. The church representative, "Sister" Patrice Woodbine is also sore about how much the girls earn, especially Mercedes, since it represents the money that does not end up in church's collections. In the religious Southern town, Pynk's "business" is ungodly. But the question for Episode 7 is whether the people of Chuccalisa will go for the devil they know (aka the Pynk's jezebels) or the devil they don't (aka the casino encouraging gambling among locals). The mayor's campaign is centered around getting Pynk's lucrative waterfront property practically for free by using the foreclosure excuse. Mayor Tydell Ruffin already thinks of Uncle Clifford as trash that needs to be taken out. As the Pynk comes together for 'One last Night' in a desperate attempt to pay the $50,000 debt, the mayor will try his best to shut it down. Andre might have stepped out of his way to help Corbyn retain his legacy but we don't see him doing the same for Uncle Clifford, who has threatened him
Mercedes' post-Pynk moves

The relationship between Mercedes and her mother Patrice has hit rock bottom after they got locked up together. The question is will Mercedes see Uncle Clifford bailing out Patrice as an act of betrayal and refuse to participate in Pynk's fund-raising night? The trailer certainly seems to suggest so since Uncle Clifford has to remind her of her loyalties like she had to remind Eloise. Though Mercedes will show up, her heart is no longer in the game -- as she has told Autumn before. Instead, she wants to forge a path to her own daughter and be a true mother -- the opposite of Patrice in every way she can think of. Her journey post-Pynk is wrapped up in Terrika and her dance studio -- especially after Autumn has enabled her to replace the money her mother stole from her. Whether she will be successful like Eloise remains to be seen.
Autumn Vs Montavious

Montavius is the slowly creeping shadow that Autumn doesn't know is approaching. We have seen Autumn grow from the broken shell of a woman who stepped out of a bus fleeing her past and the floods to be reborn anew at the Pynk. She has hustled up some real cash and helped Mercedes, her ex-nemesis along the way. She also realized she could love again with Andre, even though she has held herself back because of his hypocrisy towards Chuccalisa and to his own marital ties. But the real monster in her story and her murky past has always been Montavius, her abusive ex, who she thought she had killed. Her pretty little Barbie gun is going to come in handy since Montavius will show up at the Pynk looking for her. Will Andre or Mercedes be able to protect her?
The next episode of 'P-Valley' airs on August 30 at 8 PM ET on Starz.