'P-Valley' Episode 6 Preview: Keyshawn partners with Lil' Murda and Andre is reminded the race war isn't over

The upcoming episode of 'P-Valley' titled 'Legacy' has a lot of buzz going for it. One, because it has been directed by Tasha Smith who also plays Carol Holloway in 'Empire'. And two, because Loretta Devine makes her first appearance on the show as Miss Ernestine, the Granmuva of Uncle Clifford, who owned The Pynk when it was a juke joint. The character description released during casting was of a wise woman who can "see" through the "tangled mess of inherited injustice and contradictions that have long ruled the South" even though she is blind.
The official synopsis of the episode states that: "All throughout the Pynk, surprising new bonds are formed as everyone fights to secure their bag and their future. Andre faces pushback on his deal with the warring Kyle brothers." After the foreclosure notice was taped to the Pynk's door in Episode 6, it is no surprise that people of the Pynk will be looking for their Plan Bs just in case its doors shut forever. As of now, with just a few days to find the cash, Uncle Clifford doesn't have too many options left. Unless Loretta Devine's Ernestine character has some secret stash of cash.
In the trailer for the upcoming episode, we see Miss Autumn Night getting pally with Mercedes, continuing the partnership they struck up to get siphon off money in the scan Autumn is running. But what is worrying is the cute little pink gun she has stashed in her car that Mercedes finds and wonders if you can really kill with it. Autumn's expression shows that it sure can. Her smirk confirms that she thinks she is a killer, firming up our conjecture about her murder attempt on her abusive partner who survived and is now hunting her through her money transfers. That loaded gun is too much like a "Chekov's gun" and is sure to go off by the time Season 1 is over.
Meanwhile, Keyshawn aka Miss Mississippi getting ambitious, eager to take Mercedes' "reigning queen" title at the club. She asks Uncle Clifford if she can have a special night headlining her act and when Uncle Clifford asks her if Lil' Murda "put her up to this", she smiles like a cat who has got her cream and says that "we're working together now". We also see Lil' Murda and Keyshawn hamming it up for her Instagram as Lil' Murda promises a "Murda Night" at the Pynk. This again raises suspicions about whether Lil' Murda is only playing on Uncle Clifford's affections to make "money moves" for his career.
But will the Pynk be around for long anyway? We see Uncle Clifford clutching the foreclosure notice looking like she is at her wit's end. Maybe she will get some pearls of wisdom from his Granmuva, Miss Ernestine after she tells her that the Pynk is going on the auction block in a week. The mess around the Kyle brothers also isn't going to get unmessy anytime soon. We see Corbin refuse to sign the deal yet again and his brothers losing their patience with him and drawing an antique-looking gun on him and then on Andre, saying "Civil War ain't over yet" as Andre's face quivers with suppressed rage.
'P-Valley' airs on Sunday, August 16, at 8 pm ET on Starz and at Saturday midnight on the Starz app.