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'Ozark' Season 3: Ruth Langmore might kill Wendy and betray Marty to claim her place at the big table

With season three of 'Ozark' expected to hit the screens in 2020, chances are that Ruth will manipulate her way to the center stage.

Wading her way into the dark and gritty world of the Byrde family, Ruth Langmore is a young teenage resident of Lake of the Ozarks. Born in poverty with her father behind  bars, she lives in a trailer with her uncles and cousins. Known for her criminal expertise, she gets entwined with Marty’s money laundering business after trying to steal from him. In a pivotal scene, Marty realizes Ruth is a clever woman with the potential to be a criminal. Not long after, Ruth wins his trust and the two become partners in business.

The last season of 'Ozark' premiered back in 2018 and ended with the female brigade taking precedence over the men. Marty's (Jason Bateman) wife Wendy (Laura Linney) decided to overpower her husband by launching a floating casino instead of fleeing to the Gold Coast of Australia. Her actions will directly affect Ruth's future as Marty had intended to put her in charge and take over his business.

Jason Bateman plays the role of Marty Byrde and Laura Linney essays the character of Wendy Byrde. (Twitter)

Ready to take on the responsibility, Ruth sets out to leave behind her family. Meanwhile, her father Cade Langmore (Trevor Long) kills FBI agent Roy Petty (Jason Butler Harmer) and demands Ruth to provide an alibi which she refuses. "This is your life. It ain't f**king mine," she tells her father in a heated discussion. 

Sassy and smart, Ruth will do anything to get ahead in the game and that might bring her character to the head of the queue. Julia Garner, who plays Ruth in the series, confirmed she was filming the new season. The actress hinted on an upcoming "identity crisis" as she might struggle to keep up with her loyalty to the Byrdes after Cade is killed. Ruth's father is shot dead by a Navarro associate towards the end of the season but Ruth doesn't know about Wendy's hand in it yet.

Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore in 'Ozark'. (IMDb)

If Ruth tries to get to the bottom of the conspiracy behind her father's mysterious death, she might get to know about Wendy's involvement in the killing. The truth could spin a new web of revenge as she might betray Marty and try to kill Wendy. If that happens, it could open many doors for Ruth to become the kingpin in the battle between the Byrdes and the Langmores. 

In an interview with Gold Derby, Julia revealed how she may turn out to be way more self-reliant in season three. "For such a long time, she was alone and by herself for so many years and not dependent on anybody. And then Marty came in, she kind of became dependent on him in a weird way, her dad came in, she became dependent on him. She’s dependent on Wyatt (Ruth's cousin played by Charlie Tahan) but in a different way."

A still from 'Ozark'. (Netflix)

"So I think this season, she’s trying to depend on herself more and I think she’s in full work mode. When I’m saying full work mode, the thing with Ruth is as soon as a problem hits her and it’s something that can shake up anybody, she doesn’t let it sit," she added.

As season three is expected to hit the screens in 2020, it is yet to be seen whether Ruth Langmore's role takes center stage in the intense thriller or Marty and Wendy successfully manage pin her down.