'Ozark' Season 3: Will FBI agent Roy Petty's body be found after he met with a bloody end?

As 'Ozark' returns for the third season, the Byrde family will find themselves in danger after they launched their riverboat casino. After evading the FBI in the second outing, the authorities might try to catch them with a larger force. Bludgeoned to death by Cade Langmore, FBI agent Roy Petty had a bad end.
Thanks to the cartel, Roy could not obtain any information on the family and their illicit dealings. However, in season three, if his body is uncovered, it might help the FBI with clues against the Byrdes or Cartel. With him gone, all that information he gathered is in the agency's hands and will be handed to the next agent on the case.
Viewers feel in the new season, his body will help lead to more hints. "I think Petty's body will be discovered," one viewer wrote on Reddit. Another fan posted, "I think Petty was a fantastic character and I’m really pissed off that they killed him. I didn’t particularly like him as a person, but he was a driven and ruthless antagonist who actually seemed like a legitimate threat to the Byrdes, the Langmores, and the Cartel."
He added, "Roy is a bigger target for people who are actually smart operators because they know his death would only make things worse. The Cartel, The Snells and even the Byrdes probably wouldn’t have been game enough to take him out because of the extra attention it would have garnered them."
Another user hoped for a "real imposing FBI agent character" next season. "Someone who actually seems like he stands a chance. Like a Gus Fring/Mike Milligan level of imposing," the post read. One post read: "I figured his arc was leading to his demise but I was still really disappointed when it came around - I think he'll be a big miss next season."
Actor and Emmy-winning director Jason Bateman teased how the casino will bring more opportunities for the family. He told The Digital Weekly, "The casino is up and running and offers more positive and negative opportunities. Some of this is tempting and some of it calms. Eventually, everything affects the family." The Netflix series is expected to return in early 2020.