Ozark Season 2: How four women saved the series from bumbling into mediocrity

"I know fuck about shit," says Ruth Langmore, played astonishingly well by Julia Garner, and she's probably right. But shit doesn't entail keeping the people she loves safe and maintaining a code of loyalty that would have made Don Corleone proud.
Season 2 of 'Ozark' should have had major problems, not least of which stemmed from a sniveling bunch of male characters that do little justice to the grit and bleak fatalism that emanates from the oppressive Missouri mist. It should have, but didn't, and that's largely down to four female characters that ripped the guts out of the show, unentangled the gibbering entrails, and recreated a wall of such impermeability, that to even peek over its rim would be a task only for the most fearless of us all.