Jacob Sayre: Ozark boy, 17, faces adult murder charges after girl, 16, OD'd on fentanyl-laced ecstasy pill

OZARK, MISSOURI: A 17-year-old boy in Ozark, Missouri, is being charged with the murder of a 16-year-old girl after he allegedly provided her with a fentanyl-laced ecstasy pill, that caused her to overdose and die at her home in September. Jacob Sayre is being tried as an adult for second-degree murder and additional charges of child endangerment, the suspected drug deal, and the delivery of a controlled substance in connection to the death of Victoria Jones on Thursday, December 15.
The alleged drug deal took place in September after the youngsters met at their local church which led to the untimely death of the sophomore student. Sayre was arrested 104 days after Jones' death on Thursday. While being charged more than three months after her death, he was released on a $50,000 bond. According to Fox News, Sayre is on house arrest under electronic monitoring and is expected back in court on January 31, 2023.
The girl's mother, Wendie Glass Jones, accused Sayre of letting her daughter die. She also revealed that her daughter had been struggling with "feelings of not 'being good enough'" and depression before her fatal overdose on September 4. The mother recalled the events of the previous night before the incident took place. She said that she wished her daughter good night unaware that it would be the final time, only to find her dead the next morning.
"I think it is beyond pathetic that a person she meets at Church, of all places, is the one who gave her the drugs that killed her. They were NOT friends at all, Let me say that Again, they Were NOT friends," Jones’ mother, Wendie Glass Jones, wrote as she spoke about the incident for the first time on Saturday, December 17. "This person, Jacob Sayre, has had DRUG issues since he was 14 and his parents really didn't do anything until he was 16 (beginning of 2022) and out of control. Sept. 4th my daughter was dead because of what he gave her. Ecstasy laced with a deadly amount of Fentanyl was what he gave her. He made NO ATTEMPT to help her when she called him.....Didn't alert us, didn't call 911, didn't do anything, He Let Her Die! I sincerely Hope and pray that there is a special place in Hell for people that are this Evil!,” she further wrote while demanding justice for the teen’s actions.

Jones’ family found the 16-year-old girl dead and in a complete state of rigidity in her bedroom, according to the indictment against Sayre obtained by Missouri Local Today News. She was found with foam in her mouth along with MDMA and fentanyl in her system. In her room the next day, police found a credit card, a rolled-up $20 bill, and a cut blue pill placed on her nightstand. According to the Daily Mail, the autopsy report suggests that the teen had a fatal amount of fentanyl in her system. The family told authorities that their daughter had previously experimented with weed, molly, and cocaine, however, she was not an addict.

Court documents found a correspondence between Jones and Sayre discussing the latter bringing drugs. Another chat finds Sayre instructing the girl on the procedure behind the intake of the drug. After snorting the substance, the victim messaged Sayre informing him that she had done it wrong. She died shortly after.
During the interview, Sayre allegedly claimed that he did not know what he was delivering to Jones contained drugs. The interrogation was cut short at the request of the parents, as they wanted to be present for further questioning.

"Today is Day #104 without our daughter Victoria. As I sit here this morning thinking about what I saw on tv last night and now rereading the article, it makes me physically sick! All I know for certain is that on the night of Sep. 3rd at 11:00 pm I went into Victoria's room to say goodnight, give her a hug and kiss, and to tell her that I Love You and I will see you in the morning. The next morning was the start of this nightmare,” Wendie wrote in the Facebook post. "My point in posting is to spread awareness, this IS happening in our communities, our families, our friends, this is NOT SOMETHING THAT ONLY HAPPENS TO OTHER PEOPLE……..THIS IS US! And the sad truth, this can be YOU TOO!," she further wrote. "These dealers need to be held accountable for their actions! Fentanyl is not an experimental drug…it is a poison that is killing our children & something that is difficult (if not impossible) to recover from!"