'One World: Together At Home': Charlie Puth's unmade bed during performance makes him 'most relatable celeb'

We're all guilty of lazing around all day in our pajamas and lounging on unkempt beds during this coronavirus lockdown period. Well, so is Charlie Puth.
On April 18 evening, as Puth performed his hit number 'See You Again' as part of his performance for 'One World: Together At Home', apart from being lost in his pitch-perfect voice, fans were amused by one another thing — his unmade bed.
As Puth streamed his performance from his bedroom, fans couldn’t help but snoop around the little peek they got of their idol's den and were pleasantly surprised by how relatable he was with his unmade bed.
While most celebs streamed their performance from their living rooms or picture-perfect bedrooms, Puth couldn’t even be bothered to make his bed ahead of his performance which would be watched by millions across the globe.
A fan tweeted. "Charlie Puth is the only person whose home looks like he's actually been in quarantine." Another joked, "Charlie Puth may have the highly coveted rare ability of perfect pitch but he can't even make his bed. nice to know that life is still fair sometimes."
One fan expressed, "The way that Charlie Puth didn't make his bed for his global citizen live is, in fact, very sexy to me," while another commented, "Charlie Puth's unmade bed gives me life. #globalcitizen #togetherathome."
"Charlie Puth couldn't be bothered to make his bed before his performance and that's the most relatable content I've seen yet from a celeb during this quarantine. #TogetherAtHome," declared a fan.

The singer seems to have gotten the whiff of how he and his unmade bed were trending all over the internet. He tweeted, "Ooops I forgot to make my bed Upside-down face," followed by another tweet where he joked, "Honestly...I don’t think I've made my bed since 2008."
Puth’s performance was part of Global Citizen and WHO's 'One World: Together At Home' special concert event organized to raise money for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.
The concert aims to celebrate and support the superheroes of these dark times — the healthcare workers at the frontlines of the battle against the disease.