Offline TV removes Fedmyster after Yvonnie accuses him of sexual harassment, fans say ‘this is heartbreaking’

Twitch streamer Yvonnie took to Twitter on June 28 to share a long note, detailing the sexual misconduct she faced from her fellow Offline TV member Federico 'Fedmyster' Gaytan or Fed.
In the long post, Yvonnie has accused Fed, whom she considered her close friend, of touching her inappropriately on multiple occasions while she was in a committed relationship with her boyfriend. She has also named a few other Offline TV female members, including Lily Pichu, who have come forward to share the pain they endured in Fed’s presence. Yvonnie revealed that Fed often made moves at them under the influence of alcohol and on being confronted, would defend himself saying he didn’t remember anything.
Following Yvonnie’s tweet, OfflineTV took to their official Twitter page to announce that they have removed Fed from their organization. The tweet read, “We strive to be a place where everyone can feel comfortable and safe. With that in mind, Fed has been removed from Offline TV. He will also no longer be living with us. We wholeheartedly support Yvonne, her statement, and anyone else who has the courage to share their story.”
Owning up to his mistakes and accepting the accusations made against him, Fed shared an apology statement on Twitter a few hours ago. It states, “I want to start off this statement by apologizing for my absence the past few days. Earlier this week, some of my friends sat me down and expressed that I had on several occasions made them feel uncomfortable or uneasy.”
In a few other tweets that followed, he has noted that he’s “flawed, I have issues that impede my friendships, issues with myself, but I am not a predator and I never wanted this to happen.”
The latest events have left fans of both parties disappointed and disheartened. While one of Fed’s fans wrote, “Bro ima be real with you rn. I related to fed so much over the past months and loved being apart of his community. I really connected through his streams and he helped me through some dark times. This is heart-breaking”
“Always was thrown off by @Fedmyster since day 1. Just seems like an awful human being disguising himself with this persona. Thank you to all you lovely women coming forward and sharing your story about him, you’re all extremely brave and I’m proud of you,” added another.
Meanwhile, the majority of fans have extended their support to Yvonnie and other victims who finally gathered the courage to share their stories. One wrote, “I’d just like to say, @yvonnie is so brave for coming out & telling her story because it is such a hard thing to do. Most people don’t even have the courage to bring it up for fear of others blaming the them for it happening or scared of people not believing them”
“I have a pit in my stomach because of everything that's happened. I never saw it coming. I'm glad he was removed and I'm glad Yvonne and Lily spoke up about,” wrote another.