NYC firework mystery deepens: Conspiracy theorists claim it's a 'deep state plan to burn US cities to ground'

Following endless pyrotechnic displays throughout the month of June, the residents of New York City have begun to express their concern over the never-ending nightly fireworks, which, besides ruining their good night’s sleep, have also given rise to numerous conspiracy theories. Reportedly, over 1700 complaints about the illegal fireworks have been raised in June, with a drastic peak from 27 last year during the same period. Several of them even documented the sanctioned pyrotechnics on social media following Juneteeth celebrations.
What has got people concerned is the fact that the fireworks blowing up in the night sky aren’t small explosive toy-rockets that can be obtained from any store, but something bigger and elaborate. As many took to Twitter to ask who is behind these unfathomable display of fireworks, numerous conspiracy theories started swirling the internet. While one Twitter user wrote, “BREAKING STORY ABOUT NATIONWIDE FIREWORKS. NATIONWIDE FIREWORKS MAY SIGNAL DEEP STATE PLAN TO BURN US CITIES TO THE GROUND. THIS IS WHAT THEY DID RIGHT AFTER THE GREAT PLAGUE OF LONDON 1665. THEN THE FIRE OF LONDON.”
“Conspiracy theory: What if cops are the ones setting these massive firework displays evry night? Seeing how it will take for the community to ask for their help & then they’ll swoop in and save the day.” added another. Meanwhile, another internet user speculated, “Due to the riots looting and thanks to the government and antifa they left truckloads of fireworks behind that’s why so many people have their hands on them. And elites are dropping them off on every corner to keep the mayhem going. Be safe yall martial law coming”
One of them noted that as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement, people are using auditory retaliation in the form of protest. “Here’s the thing: fireworks are illegal in the state and very expensive. It is very difficult to bring them in. We’re dealing with auditory retaliation for protesting. Our city is full of children, people with all sorts of PTSD triggers, and pets... #nycfireworks” the tweet read. Some of the Twitter users used the platform to express their frustration over the loud noises that are keeping people up for weeks now. “Could you address this problem people can’t get any sleep and have to be up for work tomorrow not been going on for weeks now. It’s midnight and it’s like macys fireworks out there at midnight who is behind this?!!!!! #nycfireworks” wrote one.