Columbia Grammar & Prep school’s parents worried about problematic sex education ‘consultant’

Parents of a posh New York school are worried about a sex education “consultant” who is due in March to give sessions to the students. Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School, which charges $56,000 as annual fees, has reportedly collaborated with Lindsay Fram, popularly known as “Sexually Smart” on Twitter, for the four sessions.
However, parents fear that the educator won’t be transparent with them about her teaching content especially after another sex educator Justine Ang Fonte presented an uncensored “porn literacy” workshop for students in May 2021 without parents’ knowledge. Fonte’s workshop reportedly had contents, like images of partially naked women, some of them shown in bondage, and references to the often used terms on porn, such as “creampie” and “gangbang.”
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Fram, who is a Masters in Public Health from Tulane University, reportedly uses the Amaze sex education video series to teach students. On her website, she has mentioned that she works “with students from kindergarten through college, train teachers, coach caregivers, and provide professional development and other consulting services for nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses.”
Not just Fram’s liberal sex views but her political views are also a matter of concern for the parents. It has been said that the consultant is a believer in the abolishment of police and she also thinks that parents should be referred to as “the adults who take care of you” instead of “mom” and “dad”. After the pandemic hit in 2020, Fram had tweeted asking for suggestions from other educators about how to go on with online sex education, especially when students were with their parents.
Calling all #healthed teachers! Just got notice that I'll have a few 7th grade Sex Ed classes via Zoom starting early April. Will take all the tips I can get for using Zoom & specifically for managing sex ed online (with kids who are at home with their parents!) Thanks!
— SexuallySmart (@LindsayFram) March 18, 2020
She had written, “Calling all #healthed teachers! Just got notice that I'll have a few 7th grade Sex Ed classes via Zoom starting early April. Will take all the tips I can get for using Zoom & specifically for managing sex ed online (with kids who are at home with their parents!) Thanks!”
About Fram’s arrival in the school, parents reportedly got an email last week informing them of a 45-minute presentation, which will be presented before them on March 1 before the actual session for kids begins. But a mother still doubts its credibility. She said, “Either the school didn’t properly vet her or the school doesn’t care what she’s doing so the school administrators need to be held accountable to this. I want to know exactly what she’s teaching my child.”
Another mother also expressed her concern about Fram and her teaching by saying, “You want teachers in the classroom, not ideologues. I wouldn’t feel right if I saw my doctor or someone else spouting about ideologies. I wouldn’t even like if they were tweeting about the NRA. This is someone who’s supposed to be a professional and teaching a subject that’s neutral and science-based to our kids.”
A mother even went on to say that she feels “helpless” when educator’s like Fram and Fonte come to teach kids as well as the school’s library has controversial books, like ‘Gender Queer,’ ‘Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Called Penelope,’ ‘When Aidan Became a Brother,’ and ‘Who Are You? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity'.