North Carolina high school cheerleading squad placed on probation for waving Trump 2020 flag

NORTH CAROLINA: Cheerleaders at a North Carolina high school who held up a flag in support of President Donald Trump before a football game have now been put on probation.
The North Stanly High School cheerleading squad waved the Trump 2020 banner during a home game last month before they were placed on probation on Monday, September 16, according to a New York Post report.
The report stated that members of the squad posed for photos with the banner on August 30 before the game in Stanly County. "Trump 2020: Make America Great Again," the banner read.
The North Carolina High School Athletic Association decided to take action after the photos were circulated on social media. Citing a policy in all North Carolina high schools that prohibits students from displaying political signs, authorities reprimanded the squad as a disciplinary measure.
The cheerleaders are expected to continue cheering while being on probation for a year. According to officials, the probation is a warning and not a form of punishment.
If the squad continues to display political banners, the athletic association can issue fines or suspensions on its members. District superintendent Jeff James chimed in saying the banner was not endorsed by the school or staff.
"The focus of Friday night football games should be on our students — the players, cheerleaders, band members — the focus should not be on politics," he said. "For this reason, we are hopeful the situation will resolve, and our student-athletes can have a successful fall season."
Shortly after, a Facebook event was created by some who were outraged by the decision to place the cheerleaders on probation, urging supporters to attend this week's game to root for the squad.
"The North Stanly High School cheerleaders have been wrongly put on probation by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association for the rest of the football season because of holding up a Trump banner before a home game on 8-30-2019," the event page read.
"Please come out and help me show the school and the NCHSAA that freedom of speech is not dead. Please bring all your Trump and MAGA gear and let's throw our support behind the North Stanly High School cheerleaders."