Who is Bryannita Nicholson? Eric Holder's GF says he loaded gun to kill Nipsey Hussle in her car

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SOUTH CENTRAL, LOS ANGELES: A new testimony has come into the picture for rapper Nipsey Hussle, who was shot with bullets on March 31, 2019, in the parking lot outside his store, named ‘The Marathon’. The 35-year-old woman, Bryannita Nicholson, testified on June 20 that she saw the suspect, Eric Holder, who she is casually dating, loading bullets into a gun just before the rapper was killed in front of his South Los Angeles store.
As per New York Post report, during her testimony at Los Angeles Superior Court, Nicholson said that she got excited to see Hussle, but Holder jumped out of the car first to talk to the rapper. “I saw him as soon as I turned into the parking lot and I said, ‘Oh, there goes Nipsey! He’s fine! … Eric was not wearing a shirt when he got out and he went to Nipsey.” She admitted that she heard Holder loudly saying, “Did you say I snitched,” before walking away from Hussle and two other men, present at the crime scene.
When Senior Deputy District Attorney John McKinney questioned if she could sense it is leading to a fight, she replied by saying, “No, it didn’t occur to me at all.” The woman said she clicked a picture with Hussle while Holder got his food. When they both went back to the car, Holder asked her to drive around the block twice. And the second time when they crossed the Marathon store parking lot, Nicholson saw Holder loading his gun. She said, "I seen (sic) him put bullets into the automatic gun. It was the black one. .. When he was doing it, I said, ‘What are you doing?! You aren’t going to shoot that out my car!’ Then he put it away.”
She further stated that a couple of minutes later she heard the gunshots and got worried if Holder was hurt. But he came back and got back to her car while he was carrying two guns — a black semi-automatic weapon and chrome revolver on him. Holder yelled at her to drive away and saw him put the weapons into a bag. “I wasn’t even thinking that he would use it,” she said. “I was like, what happened?,' and he said, you talk too much I ought to slap you. And he was just like, drive! drive!” she testified.
On June 20, as per AP, a prosecutor played the surveillance video of Hussle lying splayed out and still in the parking lot as his brother loudly counted and pressed on his chest, trying to revive him with CPR under the instruction of a 911 operator.
Nicholson’s identity was hidden during her testimony in front of a grand jury in 2019. However, on June 20, her name was revealed as she narrated the details in an open court, with Holder sitting nearby, mostly staring straight forward and giving no visible response, as per the reports.