NFL Draft 2020: Fans feared Jennifer Hudson was ‘dead’ as she trends for her rendition of ‘Lean on Me’

NFL Draft 2020, the rare virtual event, has received a lot of love and support from football fans across the globe. Adding a pinch of entertainment and bringing some to cope with the ongoing health crisis, Jennifer Hudson made an appearance on the live broadcast of NFL Draft 2020 to deliver a breathtaking performance on late Bill Withers’s ‘Lean on Me’.
Prior to her performance, Hudson used the platform to pay tribute to the healthcare workers who have put their lives on the line to tackle the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. She added, “We love you, we appreciate you and we are praying for you.” It looked like the singer performed the classic song from home studio clad in a denim jacket with her hair pulled back in a braid.
She started the musical performance putting her powerful vocals on display and was later joined by four other singers to perform ‘Lean on Me’. Although her performance was touching, fans have taken to social media to express mixed emotions about her performance tonight.
While on fan joked, “I was on Twitter today and I saw that Jennifer Hudson was trending, I thought she died but it turned out she just sang lean on me. My bad”
“Y’all got my girl Jennifer Hudson trending like she passed or something. Bout scared the childhood me out of me," added another.
“Are you just searching for people talking about Jennifer Hudson? That's pretty fuckin weird dude,” wrote a fan.
“Jennifer Hudson OMG, MY HEART JUST... OMG... I thought something TERRIBLE happened at first!,” expressed another startled fan.
Adding to a string of viral tweets, another fan of hers tweeted, “Jennifer Hudson is trending and thank God she has nothing to do with drinking #Clorox, injecting #lysol or eating #TidePods. She is not like our President who has embraced the role of village idiot”
Meanwhile, a few fans, who are glad that nothing happened to her, have praised the singer for her performance during NFL Draft 2020.
“Holy Moly Jennifer Hudson and some friends just killed it singing ‘Lean On Me’ for @NFL draft. Dedicated to our front line heroes. Awesomeness.” said one fan.