'New Warriors' #1: Marvel releases trailer for its upcoming comic book on teenage superheroes joining 'Outlawed'

The original New Warriors joined the superhero game back when it was cool, and everyone was doing it. In the upcoming 'Outlawed' Marvel crossover event, superheroing will be outlawed if you're below a certain age, but rules have never gotten in the way of a teenage superhero wanting to use their powers for good. In 'New Warriors' #1, a new team of young superheroes arises, but they won't be alone, the original New Warriors team is there to show them the ropes.
The new series will be written by Daniel Kibblesmith and drawn by Luciano Vecchio and has a little something for everyone. The original New Warriors make their return as mentors to a group of new teenagers who are more reflective of the current age. "I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” says Daniel Kibblesmith, in Marvel's trailer for the series. He talks about each character, their powerset, and the inspiration behind them, as well as his own connection to the 'New Warriors' as a team.
You can watch the trailer below:
While Night Trasher, Firestar, Namorita, Speedball, Silhouette, and Rage are all making an appearance, the focus will be on the new team members. You can read about them here. The teen superheroes have powers and identities that are more current.
Screentime is a hero whose brain is continually connected to the internet. "I wanted to have teen characters who felt as "now" as the New Warriors did in 1990,” said Kibblesmith. “The New Warriors have been zeitgeist characters from the beginning, you get edgy skateboarding Night Thrasher in the '90s and the Reality TV team in the 2000s, and now in 2020, we have New Warriors who have never grown up without the internet, and one character who appears to essentially live inside it."
Snowflake and Safe Space are twin heroes who are attempting to reclaim terms that have fallen out of favor. "Snowflake and Safespace are the twins," said Kibblesmith, "and their names are very similar to Screentime; it's this idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet that they don't see as derogatory. [They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor."
B-Negative is the team's goth member, having received his vampiric abilities from Michael Morbius, and Trailblazer has inherited a magical backpack in infinite storage space.
'New Warriors' #1 releases April 15, wherever comics are sold.