Women who smoke up before sex are 'more than twice as likely' to report satisfactory orgasms, says research

A common myth among marijuana enthusiasts is that smoking up can help boost sexual arousal and also result in having very powerful orgasms.
A new study has found that marijuana use before sex can double the chances of women having a much more satisfying orgasm. The research led by a team at St. Louis University of Medicine looked at data and analyzed reports from hundreds of women -- pot smokers as well as non pot smokers.
The very reason why marijuana seems to improve and heighten a sexual experience is still unknown, but over the years, experts and scientists have come up with several explanations.
The study analyzed self-reported survey responses from 373 women. Around 47% of whom indicated that they were marijuana smokers; 34% of these revealed that they used it before sex.
As reported by Daily Mail, researchers explained in 'The Relationship between Marijuana Use Prior to Sex and Sexual Function in Women' which was published in the journal Sexual Medicine, "It has been postulated that it leads to improvement in sexual function simply by lowering stress and anxiety. It may slow the temporal perception of time and prolong the feelings of pleasurable sensations. It may lower sexual inhibitions and increase confidence and a willingness to experiment."
"Marijuana is also known to heighten sensations such as touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing," they continued.
In order to find out how pot plays a role in sexual satisfaction, the researchers had developed a "Sexual Health Survey" which covered a range of topics such as sex drive, lubrication, and also the presence of sex-related pain. The paper states, "To limit bias, the authors embedded the questions about marijuana deeper into the questionnaire."
While reviewing the paper, the researchers found that there was a significant difference in the participants reported sexual experiences depending on the use of marijuana beforehand. The researchers noted, "Most women reported increases in sex drive, improvement in orgasm, decrease in pain, but no change in lubrication."
"Marijuana appears to improve satisfaction with orgasm. Women who used marijuana before sex and those who used more frequently were more than twice as likely to report satisfactory orgasms as those who did not use marijuana before sex or used infrequently. Our study is consistent with past studies of the effects of marijuana on sexual behaviour in women," the researchers concluded.