New Jersey teen obsessed with TikTok stabbed and tased officer neighbor to death, recorded fight to be 'famous'

VINELAND, NEW JERSEY: A teenager from New Jersey, who stabbed a corrections officer neighbor to death, reportedly instigated a fight because he wanted to be "TikTok famous," according to the officer's family lawyer. Zachary Latham, who recently turned 18, stabbed and killed 51-year-old William "Timmy" Durham Sr, who was with his wife, Catherine, and son, William, when the confrontation occurred in May.
Latham, a private in the New Jersey National Guard, however, has stated that he only grabbed a knife and a taser to protect himself from a mob attack in his home in Vineland, according to Durham's attorneys, however, have claimed that Latham deliberately lured the family there to film the confrontation to become famous on social media. The incident had occurred following a series of earlier video confrontations, including one that got the teenager more than 3 million views.
Durham's lawyers, in a letter to prosecutors, wrote that the teenager's wife, identified as Sarah, reportedly recorded the deadly confrontation "because it was her and Latham’s intent to post these videos to TikTok and become ‘TikTok famous.'" Durham was an officer at South Woods State Prison.
The officer reportedly died after being tased and stabbed multiple times in the fight, which was filmed, according to reports. Durham's lawyers are now seeking to have aggravated manslaughter and assault charges against the teenager upgraded to first-degree murder. Lawyer, Diane Ruberton and Robert Simons, in the letter, added: "If Latham was in fear for his or Sarah’s safety, they both would have retreated inside, called the police and stayed there."
“They did not because their intent was to lure the Durhams there, attack them, and record it for TikTok,” the letter stated. The teen, in April, had reportedly filmed himself being confronted by Catherine over his driving as he repeatedly called her "Karen." That particular video garnered him 3.1 million views. In another video, Durham's 21-year-old son, William, appears to attempt to open his car door as he drives pas, with the teen warning: "I got a knife, dude." The caption of the clip read: "Karen’s son found out the video went viral and tried taking me out of the car."
The lawyers, in the letter, also wrote that in some of the posts made by the teenager, which have now been deleted, he was seen holding a gun, saying, "this is how you handle neighbors." The Durhams had also reportedly attempted to seek assistance from police, however, they were told that they could not sign a complaint because the courts were closed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Latham was eventually confronted by the Durham family at his home after he swerved his car toward one of Durhan's other sons, 17, as he rode a bike and then hit the mother when she confronted him about it, according to the letter. The letter also asked for charges to be dropped against the family, saying they were being "treated as criminals … when they are victims” is “compounding this tragedy." Durham's wife, after the incident, was charged with criminal trespass and simple assault, while her sons William and the 17-year-old, were charged with criminal trespass and aggravated assault.
Latham is currently out of prison pending his next court appearance which has been schedule for May 20 next year. He continues to post on TikTok.