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Netflix's 'Unsolved Mysteries' explores gruesome tale of the ‘severed head' that shocked Pennsylvania

'Unsolved Mysteries' sheds light on the severed head found in Pennsylvania, discovered by an eighth-grade student on December 12, 2014
'Unsolved Mysteries' Volume 4 delves into Pennsylvania ‘severed head case’ linked to Black market organ trade (@netflix)
'Unsolved Mysteries' Volume 4 delves into Pennsylvania ‘severed head case’ linked to Black market organ trade (@netflix)

BEAVER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA: Netflix's 'Unsolved Mysteries' Volume 4 will explore the eerie case of a severed head found in Pennsylvania. A teenager stumbled upon the embalmed head in the woods, leading investigators to delve into a potential link to an illicit organ trafficking ring as they worked to identify the victim.

This chilling case will be featured in an upcoming episode of 'Unsolved Mysteries Volume 4,' offering new insights into the investigation and captivating audiences with its gripping narrative. The series promises to unravel the enigma surrounding this disturbing incident, providing a fresh perspective on the perplexing events that have baffled authorities and residents for years.

"Why is a severed head sitting in a field? Who is she?" a narrator can be heard saying in the official trailer of the Netflix docu-series. The mummified head was found by an eighth-grade student on December 12, 2014, while walking home from the bus stop near a forested area along Mason Road.

Authorities speculated that the head had not been in the area for long, based on the environmental conditions. The unsettling discovery of two red rubber balls placed in the eye sockets further added to the mystery. Despite extensive investigations, the woman's identity remains unknown, and she was laid to rest in 2015.

The severed head was found by an eight-grader while walking in the woods (Netflix)
'Unsolved Mysteries Volume 4' offers fresh insights into the investigation of the severed head case (@netflix)

'Unsolved Mysteries': Cops believe the severed head belonged to a woman between 60 and 80 years old 

Investigators had indicated that the head likely belonged to a female aged between 60 and 80 years old and had probably been at the location for no more than a week. These details were reported in earlier statements.

“We’ve just been waiting for this in the hopes that this kind of exposure can lead to something or someone who can help us identify her,” Economy Police Chief Michael O’Brien told PennLive. O'Brien further added, “Whatever we get, we’ll start tracking it down.”

To further investigate this perplexing case, the producers of 'Unsolved Mysteries' traveled to Beaver County in 2021. They interviewed former Chief Detective Andy Gall, Chief Michael O'Brien of the Economy Police Department, pathologist assistant Timothy Manzewitsch from the county coroner's office, and other key figures involved in the investigation.

According to Beaver County Coroner Teri Tatalovich-Rossi, the severed head showed rough, jagged cuts on the outside and cleaner, more precise cuts on the inside. The exact time of death could not be determined due to the presence of embalming fluid.

Authorities have suggested that the woman may have died from a heart attack, according to Daily Mail. During the investigation, tests were conducted on the embalmed head, which had short whitish-gray hair and intact teeth.

The FBI Forensic Lab in Quantico, Virginia, discovered medication typically prescribed for acute heart issues—specifically lidocaine and atropine—in the woman's hair. This information was disclosed by Economy Police Chief Michael O'Brien during a press briefing.

'Unsolved Mysteries': Cops believe the severed head belonged to a woman between 60 and 80 years old (Netflix)
Producers of 'Unsolved Mysteries' traveled to Beaver County in 2021 to further investigate the severed head (@netflix)

'Unsolved Mysteries': Pennsylvania's severed head case was linked to the black market trade in organs

A year after the discovery of the embalmed head with red rubber balls in the eye sockets, authorities began to suspect it might be linked to the illegal trade of black-market organs. The head was found in the woods by a young boy in Economy, near Pittsburgh, on December 12, 2014.

Despite efforts to identify the woman through artist renderings, she remains unidentified. Police Chief Michael O'Brien suspects a connection to organ trafficking, citing the unusual findings in the woman's eye sockets. The investigation into her death continues, but her identity and the circumstances surrounding her death remain a mystery. "There's a black market on body parts and that market is pretty extensive," O'Brien said.

O'Brien mentioned that during the investigation, funeral home directors and medical examiners were all in agreement that they had never encountered such a practice of using artificial eyes to replace those that had been nucleated from the body. This unique and unfamiliar procedure was a first for them, highlighting the novelty and rarity of the situation.

O'Brien stated that the head was discovered a considerable distance from rural Mason Road, leading investigators to believe that its placement in that location was not accidental. Furthermore, the possibility of animals moving the head was dismissed, as the presence of embalming fluid would have deterred any potential scavengers from disturbing or relocating it.

The police do not believe that the woman was murdered, however, the act of embalming her head could potentially violate Pennsylvania law, which prohibits the abuse of a corpse. The findings indicate that the woman relocated multiple times in the months leading up to her death, indicating that she may have been under the care of different relatives or acquaintances, according to Berosh. 

It appears that her residence was likely in the Allegheny Mountain region, which stretches from western Pennsylvania to eastern New York and Lake Ontario, and from eastern Ohio to northern West Virginia and Maryland, including western and central Pennsylvania. Her human remains were laid to rest in a solemn ceremony at Beaver Cemetery, coinciding with the anniversary of when the head was first found.

Pennsylvania's severed head case was linked to the black market trade in organs (Netflix)
'Unsolved Mysteries' episode on the Pennsylvania severed head case revealed a potential link to the black market trade in organs (@netflix)

'Unsolved Mysteries' Volume 4 will premiere on July 31 only on Netflix.