The cast of Netflix's newest sitcom 'All About The Washingtons' tells you what to expect from this fun family autobiographical series

'All About The Washingtons' Netflix’s newest autobiographical family sitcom follows Joey Washington, played by Joey Simmons (better known as Rev Run of Run-DMC) and his wife Justine Washington, characterized by Run’s real wife Justine Simmons. On screen, they play fictionalized versions of themselves raising a family of four which is sure to remind you of 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. Nathan Anderson plays the eldest son, Wesley, “He’s an interesting individual. He’s definitely trying to be like his dad, trying to live off his success a little bit. But he’s very much his own man” says Anderson.
The eldest daughter Veronica is played by actress/singer Kiana Ledé, followed by Leah Rose Randall as Skyler Washington, who according to Randall is “very wise beyond her years, very very smart, very intelligent. She’s homeschooled, she’s very sassy - kind of like me, but more outgoing. She’s also very shy and timid, like I am.”

Many viewers may be used to seeing Rev. Run as a rapper, or know him from his beloved MTV reality series chronicling his family, but in this new scripted comedy series, you get a fresh side of Run. “He’s awesome, he’s a great leader. And he’s just fun to work with, he’s laughing all the time. He’s such a character. He’s amazing,” says Ledé.