'Indian Matchmaking': Pradhyuman reveals why he broke up with Rushali even after the dreamy date

Pradhyuman Maloo's segment on 'Indian Matchmaking' ended with him going on a dreamy date with Delhi-based model Rushali. Unfortunately, towards the end of the show,we didn't get any updates about the couple's relationship. Many wondered if the young jeweler from Mumbai was still seeing his match Rushali.
In case you too were wondering about what Pradhyuman and Rushali have been up to, then you're at the right place. Pradhyuman gave matchmaker Sima Taparia a hard time with his picky nature. He rejected over 150 girls just based on their biodata. Although he didn't specify what precisely he was looking for in a girl, it was obvious that he was looking for an attractive woman to be his future wife. Sima aunty seemed to take some time to understand this, but when she eventually figured that looks rank pretty high in Pradhyuman's books, she went ahead and found him two very attractive girls.
His first meeting with one of the girls didn't meet his expectations, so he ended up rejecting her. On the other hand, the second girl he met happened to be a model from Delhi, named Rushali. He finally zeroed in on Rushali, after their dreamy date. We finally got the details on the current relationship status between the young jeweler and model.

In a catch-up session with Dolly Singh, Pradhyuman explained that the couple continued seeing each other for some time after the show was filmed. According to the Mumbai native, they eventually realized that they were in "different stages of life". He then added that while Rushali wanted to focus more on her modeling career, he was keen on settling down. Also, the distance didn't really help the couple much. So, they eventually broke up.
Pradhyuman makes it clear that he has no bitter feelings and bears no ill-will towards his former suitor and respects her decision and choices. He also explained in the interview how not only physical attraction but also mental attraction is important for him to make a relationship work. He gave an analogy of a mobile phone and pointed out how people buy phones based on looks, but its ultimately the features and functionality of the phone that counts.
'Indian Matchmaking' is available for streaming on Netflix.