'Indian Matchmaking': Nadia says she hates how Vinay ghosted her, the suitor claims he only 'fizzled' her out

After watching 'Indian Matchmaking', many fans were fuming at Vinay for ghosting Nadia. An event planner by profession, Nadia wore her heart on her sleeve and was keen on falling in love and settling down. When she was finally matched with Vinay by leading matchmaker Sima Taparia, fans were thrilled. Vinay and Nadia instantly hit it off and shared great chemistry. Things seemed to be going smoothly for the happy couple until Vinay ghosted the lovely event planner not once but twice. By then, Nadia had enough of Vinay and his ghosting behavior and decided to move on.
During the show's catch up session with the cast members, Nadia was asked how she felt about the whole experience with Vinay. She revealed that she hasn't connected with Vinay since the filming of the show. She expressed how she isn't going to engage with anyone who treated her poorly while pointing out that it wasn't just a reality show but her real life. She added that she would have reacted in a similar fashion if treated that way even while not filming for the show.
After Nadia explained her side of the story, Vinay was brought in, and he was asked to share his side. He expressed how the reactions he has been getting from the female audience especially have been very hurtful. He admitted that he did mess up, but he refused to acknowledge that he ghosted her. He claimed that he never ghosted her and respects Nadia and her viewpoint and experience.
When the hostess of the catch-up session — Dolly Singh — asked the duo if they had ever ghosted anybody, Nadia simply said no. While Vinay explained that he never ghosts anybody but instead "fizzles" people out. He explains how if he realizes that he isn't interested in anybody or decides that there is no potential then he will begin responding to them much later, and the frequency of messages will also gradually decrease until there is no communication. He also shares that he prefers fizzling people out instead of ghosting them.
'Indian Matchmaking' is available for streaming on Netflix.