National Teen Driver Safety Week: Actor and singer Kevin Quinn chips in for 'Not Safe for Wheels' campaign with a sing-along
The week between October 20 and 26 is the National Teen Driver Safety Week and pro-youth organization and auto brand Chevrolet have launched a Not Safe for Wheels (NSFW) Campaign to make young people safe on the road by educating them on the importance of road-safety behavior.
In the US, potentially distracting behavior often makes teen drivers susceptible to crashes (it has been seen in 58 percent of teen vehicle accidents). The distracting behavior includes using mobile phones or eating while at the wheel. Also, studies have shown that one in five high-school students crosses roads in a distracted mode -- either texting or wearing headphones.
To address the issues, the NSFW campaign has been launched and it also features ‘Bunk’d’ actor Kevin Quinn who gives a run-down on the best safety practices for youngsters, whether drivers, passengers, cyclists or pedestrians -- in a sing-a-long PSA video.
Youngsters can take a quick online quiz where they would have to answer three easy questions about a friend’s road-safety habits and then get a customized guide to share with them that could help save that friend’s life.
"Traffic deaths among young people are down almost 70% since the 70s, and this generation has the chance to make theirs the safest ever on the road," Carrie Bloxson, Chief Marketing Officer of, said.
"We're skipping scare tactics and instead giving young people an easy, engaging way to keep friends safe on the road. It's wonderful to partner again with Chevrolet on another impactful campaign."
Kevin Quinn ready to make a difference with his music
Quinn, who starred as Xander in the Disney Channel original series and is set to release his debut EP in early next year, said: “Any time I can use my platform and my music to make a difference, I'm totally there. My friends and I have personally been affected by dangerous behaviors on the road, so this campaign and this cause are especially important and personal to me."
The current campaign is the sixth time DoSomething has partnered with Chevrolet for the cause of road safety.
"We are pleased to launch our sixth campaign with to help young people keep their friends and family safe on the road. From addressing texting and driving, to jaywalking, to road safety while biking, the NSFW (Not Safe for Wheels) campaign is creating a safer generation of drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists,” Tricia Morrow, Chevrolet safety engineer, said.
Young people can sign up for the NSFW campaign at or by texting NSFW to the number 38383, where they can take the quiz to help keep their friends safe in vehicles and on the road. Those who participate in the campaign by November 15, 2019, will be eligible to win one of two $2,500 scholarships. DoSomething will also invite 15 campaign participants to the first-ever Road Safety Hackathon event in Detroit to hear ideas on how young people would use innovation and technology to make vehicles and roads safer for themselves.