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National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day: 3 unknown facts and ways to celebrate

National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day highlights the fact that we should celebrate the beauty and value of all creatures
(Representational photo, @AnnijaUngura/Pexels)
(Representational photo, @AnnijaUngura/Pexels)

National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day is celebrated on April 21 oevery year. The day was created to honor one of the most beloved dog breeds and it also highlights the fact that we should celebrate the beauty and value of all creatures. 

Mark Twain once wrote: "The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog." Bulldogs are recognized for being loyal, protective, and sweet-natured creatures who make excellent compliments to any family. Bulldogs are large, muscular dogs with wrinkly faces and interesting pushed-in noses. These dogs are well-known for slobbering. Bulldogs are related to the Asiatic Mastiff, which thrived in Mesopotamia circa 4,000 BC, according to historical documents. 


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3 unknown facts about bulldogs

Bulldogs are beautiful. Jowly, slobbery and chunky.(@MartinDufosset/Pexels)

1) Bulldogs were originally bred for bull-baiting. This explains their name. Bulldogs were originally bred to be used in bull-baiting, a sport in which a bulldog was put in a ring with a bull, and the dog would attempt to bite and hold the bull's nose. This explains the origin of their name as they were bred for this specific purpose.

2) Bulldogs have a condition called brachycephalic, which makes them snort and gassy.

3) Bulldogs form strong bonds with their owners and are known to be very loving and affectionate. They are also known to be very protective of their families.

How to celebrate National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day?

Bulldogs are wonderful additions to any family.(@AnnijaUngura/Pexels)

Pay a visit to your local animal shelter

Visit your local animal shelter and show your support for all the bulldogs in need of a home. Bring treats and toys to make this holiday especially special for them and in return you will probably even get some puppy kisses to help sweeten the deal.

Visit a pet-friendly restaurant or bar

Doing so allows you to take your pet with you and gives them the opportunity to socialize with other animals. It also allows you to enjoy time with your pet in a safe and fun environment. Taking your bulldog to a dog park or a dog cafe is a great way to spend quality time together. You can play fetch, go for a leisurely stroll, or just hang out and watch your pet interact with other dogs.

Make a photo album

Make an album of all your favorite images of your puppy or other bulldogs shot during the year. This will be something you remember fondly on future National Bulldogs Are Beautiful Days. Having a physical reminder of all the happy memories you've had with your pup or other bulldogs is a great way to celebrate and remember the special bond you have with them. This album will also be a great way to share your pup's story with others and reflect on all the joy they have brought you.