Nanny and grandmother-of-10 convicted of force-feeding infant to death with baby formula

A nanny in Maryland was convicted of murder after prosecutors were able to successfully argue in court that she poured almost 8 ounces of baby formula down an infant's throat in less than 30 seconds, causing the 8-month-old's death.
Seventy three-year-old Oluremi Adeleye declined to have a trial by jury and a judge ended up ruling on her case. Influence Salubi, the toddler's father, testified in the court that he found his 8-month-old infant daughter lifeless and with milk streaming down her face from her nose.
The little girl, Enita, died on October 24, 2016, according to USA Today, and would have turned three-years-old during the trial.
According to the Washington Post, the frantic father screamed, "What did you do?! What happened?!" to the nanny before trying to suck the liquid out of his child's face. He said in court: "You left home with a live baby and come home with a dead baby. It’s not something I can forget."