'My Feet Are Killing Me': Dana says her bunions look like jawbreakers and feels like she's 'walking on marbles'

Dr Brad Schaeffer has been working from home in the hope of helping his patients in every way he can. As coronavirus put in place a worldwide lockdown, he decided to meet his patients via video call. In the latest episode (October 8) of the show, Dr Brad had a patient who had a severe case of bunions.
Dana Carl came to the show to treat the bunions she had on both her feet. Dana revealed she had the bunions for a long time and they were slowly starting to affect her work and life. Since Dana has a job that requires her to move a lot, she has been having a hard time walking freely without any pain. To make things worse, Dana is not proud of how her feet look. She admitted there were times when she looked at them and thought they were embarrassing. Dana further added that it almost felt like she was "walking on marbles" because of the pain. There were times when she had difficulty wearing a particular shoe because of the bunion.
Dana's hatred for the bunions had reached to a point that she described them as "jawbreakers" or "two eyes starring" at me. She further added there were times when she would notice blisters and peeling on her feet because the bunions would stick to the stone and cause friction. After hearing this, Dr Brad asked Dana to show him how the bunions looked.
He was surprised by their formation and admitted he had not seen anything like that before. Dr Brad also noticed that her bunion looked like they were pointed at a 90-degree angle. While he was used to treating minor cases of the bunion, Dr Brad knew this one would require a lot of work.
However, he was not ready to give up. Dr Brad informed Dana that her bunions made it look like her bones were deformed. He revealed she had a condition called Hallux Valgus, a type of bunion deformity. This was usually caused when the bones pushed each other. He revealed the bunion could be treated by performing a surgery called Lapidus Bunionectomy.
The surgery would help shift the bone back in place and help Dana get rid of the bunion. She was pleased to hear this and was looking forward to meeting Dr Brad after the lockdown.
'My Feet Are Killing Me' airs on Thursdays at 10.30 pm ET on TLC.