'My Feet Are Killing Me': Brian Mill's abnormally large toe made it difficult for him to have a normal life

Brian Mills has been having a hard time getting around due to the pain that he feels on his foot. Brian revealed that when he was born, doctors had removed his index toe because they suggested that it would cause him a problem in the future. He was two years old when the surgery took place.
The surgery left Brian with scar tissue but the main problem that arose was the problem that his toe started growing bigger. As Brian grew, so did the size of his toe. It covered the area of the index toe that was removed. Not only is the toe big in size but it also causes Brian pain when he walks.
He admitted that having a big toe made him a victim of bullying as many people would often comment on it. While the comments did not bother him, he was affected by the amount of pain he suffered every time he walked.
Brina confessed that the toe made him uncomfortable when he wore his shoes and to make matters worse, they would often rub against the shoe and cause him pain.
Since his toe rubbed against the shoe a lot, it also affected the area below his feet. The skin below his toe had become hard and slowly started to crack. Brian further shared that the toe had caused him to have inbalance as the size of the toe was not normal.
Brian finally decided to meet Dr Ebonie Vincent hoping that she would be able to help him. After Dr Vincent examined his foot closely, she admitted that she had never seen a foot so big. While she was surprised by the looks of it, she understood why Brain suffered from the pain.
Dr Vincent revealed that Brian had a condition called macrodactyly which involves having a big toe. She gave Brian two options. The first option was debulking the toe and the second was removing all the toes. Dr Vincent revealed that the second option would help him attain the balance and feel more comfortable.
However, Brian opted for the first option. While Dr Vincent agreed, she changed her mind once she got the X-Ray of his foot. She realized that he has arthritis which would mean that the best option for him is to have the big toe removed.
She added that there was a chance that he has a transfer lesion, a condition where there was a possibility of other toes to get affected. While the chances of that happening were less, Dr Vincent gave Brian the option of keeping his other toes while getting rid of the big one.
Brian was worried about going under the knife but he wanted to have a normal life. He wanted to play with his daughter without having to worry about the pain.
Once under the surgery, Dr. Vincent removes the extra skin on his foot. While she could do that successfully, she found it hard to remove the soft tissue because she faced a bone that was thicker and misplaced.
Fortunately, she was able to remove it and amputate the big toe. Dr Vincent also managed to remove the tissue that was causing bulkiness on his toe.
Finally, there was no more of the big toe left and she was able to close the stitches properly. She advised him not to put pressure on the leg for a while and the result left Brian happy.
'My Feet Are Killing Me' airs on Thursdays at 10 pm ET on TLC.