'My 600-lb Life': Erica goes on a downward spiral after Jimmy breaks up with her, fans ask her to move on

The latest episode (April 22) of 'My 600-lb Life' was a bit different. The show offered fans an episode dedicated to some of the people who came in the past to lose weight. Among them was Erica. When Erica first appeared on the show, she weighed over 600lbs, and even though she struggled to commit to the weight loss surgery, she was soon able to find her motivation.
She started exercising and sticking to the diet that led her to shed some weight. The biggest motivation for her was when her ex-boyfriend Jimmy came back in her life. He decided to stand by her as she started her weight loss journey. The pair was happily dating for nearly eight months and had plans of starting a life together.
Erica was vocal about the change that Jimmy brought in her life. She confessed she was looking forward to spending the rest of her life with him and even have children in the future. The two had moved to Houston and were planning to sell things Erica's things back in her old house.
The pair realized they would be able to make some extra money that could help them out with the rent on the new house. While she was happy about the change that was taking place and proud of her weight loss, Erica went on a downward spiral when Jimmy broke up with her. Speaking to the camera, she revealed the two got into an argument when she suggested she would keep some of the things.
Jimmy did not appreciate this and the two ended up breaking up. The break up hit Erica hard as it was unexpected. At the same time, she also had a hard time getting back the motivation that she once had. After the breakup, Erica tried to turn towards food to make herself feel better and her body was suffering.
She was slowly putting on the weight that she had lost and fans were quick to add that it was time for her to move on. "Erica... jimmy is probably laid up with the next woman. Hang it up sis," read one comment. Another added, "F**k Jimmy. You don’t need that n****. Focus on you and leveling up your bad b***h energy."
Some were not pleased to see Erica constantly think about Jimmy as one comment read, "I’m tired of hearing about jimmy at least jimmy is still alive wish him well and move on" and another echoed similar thoughts and wrote, "Jimmy isn't worth eating one cookie...move on."
While fans are certain that Erica needs to forget Jimmy, will she understand this soon or will it be too late?
'My 600-lb Life' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on TLC.