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'My 600-lb Life': Isabella reveals how Bethany's weight is making her become more of a mom to her sister

Isabella is stepping up as a mother figure for her younger sister after her mother finds it hard to make things work.
Isabella (TLC)
Isabella (TLC)

Bethany has been struggling with her weight ever since she was a young girl and it has now reached a point where it is affecting her relationship with her daughters. Bethany is a proud mother to two daughters, Isabella and Zowie. However, due to her weight, she is unable to have a relationship with them like she had hoped she would. 

Since Bethany is not able to take care of the house like she hopes to, her daughter, Isabella has stepped up to take her place. Isabella is 18 and is going to graduate from high school but her responsibilities at home make it hard for her to have a normal life. Right from cooking to cleaning, Isabella takes care of the house to make sure everything is in place. 

At the same time, Isabella has also stepped up as a mother figure for her younger sister, Zowie. Isabella makes sure that she drops her to school while also making sure that she eats on time. While Bethany hopes that she could have a better relationship with her daughters, her weight makes it hard for her to do so. 

Isabella admitted that sometimes it gets hard for her to see how her mother has been struggling. She added that she hoped things were better and Bethany was in a position to take care of herself as well as the family. Meanwhile, Zowie revealed that she too wished Bethany could be more active in her life. 

She revealed that she has seen Bethany struggle and that is not a sight one would want to see. Now that Bethany is taking up the challenge of losing weight after undergoing bariatric surgery, she hopes that things with her daughters could get better. At the same time, she wants her daughters to follow a healthier path and hopes that she could be a motivation for them. 

'My 600-lb Life' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET on TLC.