Interview: America's Got Talent star Moya Angela talks about Dreamgirls and keeping her "morals intact"

Moya Angela's audition for 2016's 'America's Got Talent' was met with a resounding standing ovation. Her endnote vibrato sent a visible shiver through the audience. It was so perfect, that Simon Cowell couldn't help but rise to his feet and offer his awe-struck appreciation to the singer. She may have been eliminated in the quarterfinals, but that didn't quell her drive to perform.

A woman of many talents, Moya first entered the world of singing thanks to her older sister. Toni's passion for music rubbed off on Moya. Following in the steps of her big sister, Moya joined the choir group 'Counterpoints' and began touring with them in 1998. The powerhouse of a woman took home the title of 'Best Female Singer' in all the competitions she attended with Counterpoints.

A great many opportunities followed her successful tour. Moya got signed on to the award-winning Broadway show 'The Lion King' in which she had the opportunity to play the principal roles of Rafiki and Shenzi, amongst many others.
When her contract with 'The Lion King' ended, Moya was thrilled to find out that she was selected to play the role of Effie in the Broadway production of Dreamgirls. "It’s always an honor to be asked to sing this role," Moya admits "It’s a tough one and I consider myself one of the elite women who gets to play it."

Indeed it is a tough act to live up to. Jennifer Hudson's role in Dreamgirls is a part that requires a lot of strength and discipline. Thanks to Moya's ironclad rules of discipline, the talent was able to transition into the part with absolute ease.

As for the inspiration to continue in this tough line of work, Moya says it's easy for her to find. "It’s important to find out what that is for you and your artistry. Even if you are your own inspiration," she said. But her home is where she can truly tap into her creative juices.
"It’s an environment I created and it makes me more creative because it’s mine." Moya told Meaww, "Just my personal space and things."

A good work-life balance also helps the singer face the challenges that come with being a performer. "I do my best to mentally leave work at work. My family and boyfriend help with that," Moya says. Fame hasn't gotten in the way of her humility and drive. "I have no regrets. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason," Moya adds. "It always makes me stronger going towards my next step."

With her eyes set on a future in music and acting, Moya stresses on the importance of maintaining one's brand image on social media. "People are not relevant without it anymore. We are forced to adapt. It keeps your fans in tune with your life," Moya tells Meaww.
"Be true to yourself. As a performer, keep your morals intact," is Moya's advice for future talent.
You can catch the talented singer at the Savoy Theatre playing the iconic part of Effie White.