Emaciated 2-year-old girl found infested with head lice and fleas was starved to death by 'mothers'
The parents of a malnourished toddler who tragically died after she was left to starve for months and was found riddled with thousands of lice on her head have been sentenced to prison. 38-year-old Margaret Wade and 37-year-old Marie Sweeney were sentenced on January 18 for the death of Lauren Wade after she starved to death in their dirty apartment in Sighthill, Glasgow. Lauren was only two years and five months old when she died from complications that arose from malnutrition in March 2015.
Medical staff were shocked to find the toddler emaciated and infested with head lice when she was taken to the hospital after she was found unresponsive in her home. The toddler was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after she was taken to the hospital, the Daily Mail reported.